At Year's End (The 12 Olympians) Page 10
Jaxon waited for the sliding glass door to shut before turning to Killian.
“Did ya hear that?”
“How could I miss it?” Killian came out of the shadows.
Jaxon eyed the shape shifter. Stone wasn’t lying. Killian Tenebris was at least six-four and looked like a UFC fighter. His long trench coat swept around his combat boots.
“You okay tailing Elijah for me?” Jaxon asked.
Killian nodded. “You will watch Stone for me?”
Jaxon looked over his shoulder. The kids were putting their jackets on. Stone Marinos was about five-foot-eleven with penetrating dark eyes and hair to match. He was built. As a football player in the high school, Stone had beefed up.
“Uh huh, I can watch his ass — I mean him,” Jaxon laughed as Killian growled low in his throat. “I’m kidding, big guy.” Jaxon slapped Killian’s arm. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were jealous.”
Killian’s brows furrowed.
Jaxon stepped back and eyed him.
“Oh my God! You are!”
“I am not,” Killian scoffed and turned his back to Jaxon.
“Are too!” Jaxon laughed as Killian shifted into a raptor and flew off. “Uh huh. He is.”
Carl narrowed his eyes as Elijah opened the car door and slid into the seat. He’d been working on the kid for too long to just back off, but he couldn’t set off the cell phone tone now. It was too suspicious; he knew Jaxon was catching on to what was going on.
“Hey, Cal.” Elijah leaned over and placed a kiss on Cal’s cheek. They hadn’t really done anything. They weren’t exclusive and hadn’t even kissed. Elijah knew he wasn’t ready for sex — especially since he was saving himself for an older man.
“Any problems?” Carl put the car in drive and pulled away from the curb. He was very aware of all eyes on them as he drove.
“Nope. They were a little upset I wasn’t riding with them.” Elijah looked out the back window. “Although I don’t see why. They’re right behind us.”
Carl gripped the steering wheel tighter. Dammit, his plan was going to have to be modified.
“You look good,” Elijah smiled at him.
Tonight was the night at Cuffs and Stuff; he was finally going to sing a solo song. He, Skylar, Ryder, Dasan, Stone and now Nate Valentine, had become kind of a group. Although Nate didn’t really sing much just yet, he was part of their singing group nonetheless. Someone had to do the na-na-na’s. Elijah smiled at the memory of the six of them trying to come up with a name for their group. It was actually Dasan who had tossed out the idea of ‘Barely Legal,’ and they had run with it.
Elijah kept an eye on Cal as he fixed his hair. The guy was a senior and a football player, so when Cal had asked him out, Elijah had been wary of the offer.
They’d been hanging out for almost four months now; Cal was helping him with his Spanish. Elijah knew it would never really go anywhere. One, Cal was possessive as all hell, always having to keep tabs on where he was and what he was doing.
He wasn’t Jaxon.
Elijah brought up an image of the middle Salvatore brother and almost sighed. He’d been enamored of the man since the age of sixteen. Elijah frowned, remembering Jaxon’s words to him: They’d never be together because Elijah was too young.
More than once, Jaxon had acted as if he cared and Elijah could swear he’d seen Jaxon around his house at night. He’d also seen a wolf at night; he’d even spoken to it. Elijah grinned at how that sounded, even in his head.
“We’re here.”
Cal’s voice interrupted his thoughts and Elijah smiled at the brightly lit club. Cal parked in the back and Elijah got out of the car. A hand snaked around his waist and Elijah was hauled into Cal’s broad chest.
“You look edible,” Carl growled playfully in his ear. Ugh, if the little shit wasn’t Hephaestus’ son, he’d fuck him.
“Um, thanks.” Elijah extracted himself from Cal’s arms with a slight smile.
They approached the booming club and Elijah smiled at Jesse by the front door. The big guy had recently gotten together with his longtime love, Noah King. His happiness showed all over his face.
“Hey, squirt,” Jesse winked.
Elijah frowned. “Um, I’m eighteen now, ya know?”
“Yup,” Jesse nodded. “But you will always be squirt to me. And you still have to stay away from the booze.” Jesse eyed the kid next to Elijah. “Who’s this?”
“Oh — Jesse, Cal. Cal, Jesse. He’s my boyfriend.” Elijah smiled wide.
Jesse tried to contain his shock at the words. Somehow, Elijah was back under the mind control. That had to be it. He thrust his hand out.
“Nice to meet you, Cal. I hope you’re taking extra good care of Elijah here. He’s very special to us.” Jesse’s skin made contact with Cal’s and electricity jolted up his arm. He kept the shock off his face and a smile in place. Something was not right with ‘Cal.’
“Are the guys here?” Elijah peeked into the club. It was packed again, and his stomach rolled in nervous knots.
“Sure are. They just got here and are in the back office. Go on back.” Jesse turned to Cal with a smile. “Would you like a drink?”
“Just water, please.”
Jesse maneuvered through the crowd and up to the bar. “PJ, a water please,” he shouted. Jesse turned his attention back to Cal. “So, have you and Elijah been together long?”
“Who’s with Elijah?”
Jesse started, then leaned back against the bar looking over his shoulder. Jaxon stood with his arms crossed.
“Oh, hey, Jaxon. This here’s Elijah’s boyfriend, Cal. Isn’t that nice?” Jesse motioned to the kid in front of him.
“Boyfriend?” Jaxon came around the bar and stood in front of Cal. He narrowed his eyes at the kid. “How old are you?”
“Eighteen,” Carl leaned forward. “Why? You got a problem?”
Jesse cleared his throat and grabbed Jaxon’s bicep. “Back off, bro. You don’t know the whole story. I think Elijah’s back under the influence.”
“Fuck that!” Jaxon growled. “I don’t like this kid. Something’s off about him, and if Elijah’s going around saying he has a boyfriend, he’s definitely under the influence.”
Carl smiled at them both. “Something wrong?”
“We’re just used to Elijah being single,” Jesse assured him.
“Yes, and innocent,” Jaxon added.
“Oh, I haven’t deflowered him. Yet.” Carl grinned and stepped away from them. “I’ll just be headed toward the stage now. Really nice meeting you both.”
Jaxon growled and made to follow Cal. A hand gripped him hard and pulled him back.
“Don’t, Jaxon. I know you; you’ll kill him before you can stop yourself.”
“Good,” Jaxon seethed. “That kid has no right touching Elijah!”
Jesse eyed his brother closely. Jaxon was about to lose it in front of everyone.
“You need to calm down, Jaxon.”
Jaxon turned and glared at his brother. “I’m trying! I think that kid has something to do with Elijah’s mind control shit. I don’t want Elijah to be violated! Elijah is special, he’s, he’s….”
“He’s what? Yours?” Jesse grinned at Jaxon’s flushing cheeks. “If you want him, then do something about it.” Jesse raised his hand when Jaxon’s mouth opened in protest. “Don’t bring up the age thing or I swear I’ll slap you. Age is just a number Jaxon; get over it!”
“That wasn’t what I was going to say!” Jaxon balked.
Loud cheering interrupted them and Jaxon looked over at the stage. Ryder, Skylar, Stone and Dasan had stepped out into hot, bright lights.
“Good evening gentlemen!” Skylar walked across the stage and stopped. He smiled and winked. “And a few ladies. We have a special treat for you tonight. Elijah Newman will be singing for you!”
The crowd went crazy clapping and whistling.r />
“Now, I know all of you will be respectful, won’t you?”
Chuckling milled through the crowd and then a male voice shouted out.
“I love his ass!”
Skylar grinned. “Yes, we all do. Now, put your hands together for Elijah Newman!”
Elijah walked out onto the stage amid cheers and catcalling. He turned and shook his ass. The crowd went crazy and he turned back to face them. He caught Cal standing right in front of the stage and winked at him. As he looked out into the audience, his eyes landed on Jaxon Salvatore. The big man looked pissed. Elijah turned back to Skylar and leaned into his ear.
“Let’s make this one good.”
Skylar nodded and went back to the karaoke machine. As the music began, the rest of the guys took their places behind him. Elijah took a deep breath and began. As Chris Brown’s “She Ain’t You” blared from the sound system, Elijah stared at Jaxon as he sang, changing the ‘she’s’ to ‘he’s.’
God, he knew he was being blatantly obvious, and he hoped Cal didn’t pick up on it. Even though they were friends, he knew Cal wanted more. He could have kicked himself for introducing him as a boyfriend. He was a friend and boy, so it wasn’t quite a lie.
Elijah found himself smiling as he sang. His eyes locked with Jaxon’s and his body went haywire. There’d never be anyone for him but Jaxon.
Truth be told, he would never get over Jaxon. The man had captured his attention — and his heart — at their first meeting. Jaxon was making his way closer to the stage, pushing the more rowdy patrons back as he did. The crowd was in a frenzy as Elijah walked back and forth across the stage, Stone and Dasan belting out the na-na-na’s.
“Please welcome Olivia Stetson to the stage!” Elijah shouted.
The crowd went ballistic as Olivia Stetson’s voice filled the club. Her boyfriend, firefighter Sean Knight, was clapping and whistling as she pumped out vocals. Elijah bent down and stroked a hand though Cal’s hair as he sang. Cal smiled up at him and Elijah blew him a kiss as he backed up, merging with his backup singers.
Jaxon narrowed his eyes at Cal standing in front of the stage. Someone pushed past him and he grabbed their bicep, pulling them back. A very drunk man teetered in his grip.
“Back off,” Jaxon snarled.
Jaxon’s head snapped back to the stage as the word ‘sex’ caught his attention.
“Don’t worry,”
Jaxon glanced to the side to see his brother, Justice, grinning at him. “I’m sure it’s just the lyric and not Elijah actually having sex.”
“Shut up,” Jaxon growled.
Justice looked up at the stage and winked at Skylar. “If you want him, make your move, Jaxon, before it’s too late. Are you not even listening to the song? ‘He Ain’t You?’ Jesus, does a building have to fall on your head?”
“Are you about done?” Jaxon moved to the side of the stage.
Justice tilted his head in thought. “Maybe, maybe not. Don’t be a fool, Jaxon. I made my share of mistakes keeping Jesse and Noah apart, and then not taking Skylar as mine sooner. Don’t make the same mistake, Jaxon. He’s eighteen, do it tonight. You said you would.”
“I will!”
Jaxon was interrupted by the end of the song and the club roaring their approval. Elijah was bowing with the rest of the guys and their eyes met when Elijah stood back up. The look in those blue eyes…
“All right guys!” Jesse’s voice broke through all the clapping and shouting. “Let’s play some music!”
The floor vibrated with bass as Wynter Garden’s “Dirty Talk” blared through the club. The dance floor was covered with bodies instantly and Jaxon tried to find Elijah in the mass of writhing people. Jaxon started toward the floor when the lyrics of the song finally hit him. He shot his eyes to Jesse who was smiling wide. He scowled and searched the floor.
Elijah was dancing with Cal. Well, Elijah was grinding with Cal.
Jaxon balled his fists, and his nostrils flared as jealousy reared its ugly head. Cal’s hands were traveling up Elijah’s shirt and they were pelvis to pelvis. Jaxon walked closer and noticed Cal licking up Elijah’s neck. The anger dam broke and he grabbed Elijah’s arm.
“Hey!” Carl pulled Elijah’s other arm.
Jaxon leaned into Cal’s face. “Back off now before I hurt you.”
Elijah broke loose from both grips and glared at Jaxon. He turned on his heel and ran through the club.
Jaxon turned to Cal. “Don’t follow me or him. I swear to God, you’ll regret it if you do.”
Jaxon ran across the floor, looking for Elijah. When he didn’t see him, he switched to his senses and smelled him out. He followed the scent outside and around the side of the club. Elijah was leaned up against the wall, breathing hard. He eyed Jaxon and pursed his lips.
“What the fuck was that?” Elijah spat.
“What was what?” Jaxon approached Elijah slowly.
“You acted jealous in there! Hey, you told me to find someone my own age!”
“I know I did, but not him.”
Elijah pulled himself to his full height and faced Jaxon head on. Okay, so he still had to look up a ways.
“Who then?”
Jaxon ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t like him; there’s something off about him.”
Elijah’s mouth dropped open. “You just met him, didn’t you?”
“I’m good at reading people.” Jaxon leaned against the wall.
“Well, there’s this other football player who has wanted to date me.” Elijah studied Jaxon’s face. His jaw clenched and his hands fisted at his sides.
“Excuse me?” Elijah’s eyes widened.
“I said no.” Jaxon stepped closer to Elijah.
“So, let me see if I understand this correctly,” Elijah put a finger to his chin. “I can’t date Cal; I can’t date the other guy, either. You say you like me, but you don’t want me, either. Is that about it?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Which part? Cal or the other guy?”
“The part where I don’t want you.” Jaxon stepped in front of Elijah. “I never said I didn’t want you, Elijah.”
Elijah backed up against the wall as Jaxon crowded him. He looked up to find Jaxon looking at him with what could only be described as want. Was this really happening? Had Jaxon finally come to his senses?
“What are you saying?” Elijah swallowed hard as Jaxon leaned toward him. Their mouths were inches apart.
“I’m saying I don’t want you dating anyone but me.” There. He’d finally said it aloud.
Jaxon felt a weight lift from his shoulders as Elijah’s face registered shock. He smiled and palmed Elijah’s cheek, his thumb caressing a high cheekbone and soft skin. God, Elijah’s face was perfect. Soft lips made for kissing, beautiful long lashes that hovered above eyes so blue they didn’t look natural. It was as if someone had created a color just for Elijah.
He could fall into those eyes and be happy for the rest of his life. From the moment he’d set eyes on Elijah Newman, he hadn’t forgotten him. Elijah’s pupils were blown, but not from arousal. Jaxon took him by his shoulders and forced him to look in his eyes.
“Look at me, Elijah. Listen to my voice! Do you hear what I’m saying to you? I want you, Elijah.”
Jaxon searched Elijah’s eyes and exhaled in relief as the pupils contracted.
“Yes. What did I just say to you?”
“That you want me,” Elijah whispered. “Was I dreaming?”
“No. I did say that. I want you with me.”
“I have to tell you something about me,” Elijah whispered. “You may not want me after I tell you. I haven’t told anyone else, but I want to tell you. I know I can trust you.”
“I have something to tell you, too,” Jaxon breathed, inches from the lips he wanted so badly to taste.
Justice pushed through the throng of people searching for Cal. Noah was
across the floor with Ross. He sent them a mental message and they both nodded. The three of them split up and cased the club looking for Cal.
Justice finally spotted him toward the back and advanced on him. Cal turned to look at him and Justice caught a slight shimmer around Cal’s head. It wasn’t Cal he saw — it was Carl. He seethed and pushed through a crowd of people in his way.
“Justice Salvatore,” Carl smiled sweetly.
“Carl the asshole!” Justice thundered.
Carl moved quickly. Placing his hands on Justice, he pushed him halfway across the club. Justice landed on his ass several feet away and jumped up immediately. People shouted and the crowd erupted in panic. Most of them fled to the other side of the club or out the front doors. The bouncers rushed forward and Jesse waved them off.
“Just wait!” he shouted.
Carl ran to the left and smacked into a body. He looked up to see Killian Tenebris. Carl’s hand shot out and hit Killian in the throat. The shape shifter stumbled backwards and hit the wall behind him. Carl pushed through more people and looked over his shoulder. Killian had recovered, as had Justice, and now he had four more people on his ass.
Fuck, shit and damn.
Carl slammed into another body in his flight to escape. A hand grabbed his bicep.
“Where the fuck are you going?”
Carl slammed his palm into the man’s throat and squeezed. He was human, he wasn’t going to last.
“Hey! Let go of him!”
Carl turned to see Ross Collins charging him. He looked back at the man in his grip, then over his shoulder at Ross. He smirked when Ross’ eyes widened. He let go of the human and made a break for it.
“Shit!” Ross slid to a stop in front of Cole Ryker. The firefighter was on the floor, gasping for breath. “Are you okay?” Ross shouted.
“Who…the…fuck was that?” Cole tried to breathe.
“Are you okay?!” Ross bent down and assessed Cole’s injury.
“I’m good!” Cole waved an impatient hand. “Go get him!”
“Stay right there!” Ross pointed at Cole. He stood up and looked around the club. Noah was waving frantically at him.
“Dammit!” Ross sprinted across the floor. He caught up to Noah and they both ran toward the side doors.