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At Year's End (The 12 Olympians) Page 13
At Year's End (The 12 Olympians) Read online
Page 13
“Oh Jesus, Elijah,” Jaxon panted. “I’m going to come.”
“Not yet.”
Elijah licked Jaxon’s nipple one last time before making his way down. He kept up his slow stroke and added his mouth to the sensation. The taste of Jaxon’s precome elicited a groan from him and Elijah lapped at the slit, coaxing out more. He closed his eyes and used the tip of his tongue to trace the rim. He slid through the warm slit again and then slipped the head into his mouth. Jaxon’s loud gasp prompted him to take more, suck harder, and tease longer.
Jaxon’s hips bucked and Elijah tried to keep from choking. He relaxed his muscles and Jaxon’s length slid down his throat.
“Ohhh shit!” Jaxon yelled.
A blast of cum raced into his mouth and Elijah swallowed as fast as he could. Some slipped from the corners of his mouth and he tried frantically to catch it all. He’d never tasted cum, not even his own, and Jaxon’s tasted wonderful. He wanted more of it. Jaxon’s hands went into his hair and Elijah popped off his dick.
“What? Did I do it wrong?”
Jaxon fell back and covered his face with his hands. “Holy shit, no you didn’t do it wrong. You did it so right!”
“Yeah?” Elijah grinned and crawled back up Jaxon’s body. Holy shit, the guy was ripped. Elijah touched the defined muscles of Jaxon’s chest. Tattoos covered his biceps and half of his chest.
“You’re so gorgeous, Jaxon.”
Jaxon pulled Elijah down and took his mouth, tasting his own spunk. He rolled Elijah onto his back and wrapped his arms around him. They kissed for hours it seemed until the need for oxygen forced them apart. Jaxon broke from the kiss trying to catch his breath. Elijah’s lips were kiss-swollen and damn it if he didn’t want to take him and mark him right then.
“How come you don’t eat my face?”
Jaxon pulled back a bit with a smile. “What?”
“You know, in porn movies it always looks like they’re eating each other’s faces.”
“You watch porn?” Jaxon laughed.
Elijah glared at him. “Yes, I do. I have to learn somehow.”
“Well, far be it for me to complain after that blow job.”
“Yeah? You liked it?”
“Seriously? I’ve never come that fast.” Jaxon noticed Elijah’s demeanor change. “What is it?”
“How many guys have you been with?” Elijah whispered.
Elijah blinked. “What?”
“I had one boyfriend before you.”
“But you’ve had sex?”
“Yes. Once with the guy and once with a woman.” Jaxon took Elijah’s face in his hands. “But they weren’t you. I want you to take me.”
Elijah’s jaw dropped open. “You mean you…?”
“No, I topped.”
“Um, I don’t know…”
“Hey, I didn’t mean tonight. Whenever you’re comfortable with it, okay? No pressure.”
Elijah pulled Jaxon to him and held him tight. Part of him still couldn’t believe all of it was real. He’d wanted Jaxon Salvatore for so long.
Jaxon’s warm lips were at his neck, kissing and licking as if he couldn’t get enough of him. He knew the feeling.
Jaxon lifted his head and searched Elijah’s eyes.
“A little. It always takes a lot out of me when I use my power.”
Jaxon slipped to Elijah’s side and pulled him into his arms. “We’re here for the weekend, so relax, okay?”
Elijah nodded and yawned. “’Kay.”
“Goodnight, Elijah,” Jaxon whispered.
Elijah opened his eyes to find himself face-to-face with a dragon. Jaxon’s tattoo was a vibrant piece of work. Elijah smiled and traced the lines with the tip of his finger. He’d never slept so well. Jaxon had held him all night.
Elijah craned his neck a bit and placed a soft kiss on Jaxon’s chin. The coarse stubble brushed his nose and he laughed quietly.
“Morning.” Jaxon tightened his arms around Elijah. “My beard tickling you?”
“Just a little.”
“I can shave when I shower.”
“Can I shave you?”
Jaxon looked down at Elijah. “You want to?”
Elijah nodded enthusiastically.
Jaxon chuckled. “Okay. Just don’t slit my throat.”
Elijah frowned. “Don’t you trust me?”
Jaxon moved back a bit and stared into Elijah’s eyes.
“With my life, Elijah.”
The shower was warming as Elijah spread a thick layer of shaving cream over Jaxon’s cheeks. Jaxon spread his legs wider to accommodate Elijah standing between them. Elijah tipped his face back to apply some cream to his neck. Jaxon smiled and took Elijah’s shaking hand in his, kissing the palm.
“Hey, it’s okay. I trust you.”
Elijah relaxed and took the razor off the bathroom counter. He raised it to Jaxon’s cheek and made one long stroke. Jaxon’s eyes closed as Elijah swept over his jawline and down his throat.
Jaxon’s face was beautiful. The strong curve of his jaw and high cheekbones complimented his face. Elijah started on the other side and then gently tended to the area right above Jaxon’s top lip. Jaxon grinned and Elijah raised the razor.
“Don’t do that. I might cut you.”
“But it tickles.”
Elijah laughed quietly. “I’m almost done.”
Elijah swiped the razor down one last portion of Jaxon’s face, then took the hand towel and wiped off any remaining shaving cream.
“There. Perfect.” Elijah bent and kissed Jaxon’s lips.
Jaxon stood and pulled Elijah into his arms, swooping down and taking his lips in a passionate kiss that robbed him of breath. Jaxon raised his head and Elijah fought for air.
Jaxon slapped his ass and motioned to the shower.
“Get clean, then we eat and hit the town.”
‘Hit the town’ meant going to the whale watch first. Elijah had opted to go there and then go eat. He was so excited about the whales that food had to wait. A crowd gathered on the beach and Elijah pointed toward the water.
“Look! There’s one!”
Jaxon smiled as Elijah bounced up and down in excitement, talking a mile a minute. Even he had to admit the whales were gorgeous. Just like the dolphins, they sensed that Elijah was special and swam as close as they could. Elijah waded in as far as he could go with his shorts on and stood still. People gasped as the whales swam as close as they could, bumping him and playing.
Elijah ran his hands along their bodies and marveled at their beauty. He turned to smile at Jaxon.
“Isn’t this so cool!”
Jaxon nodded with a grin. It was so nice to see this Elijah, the one he’d met at camp, full of life and vibrant. After everything he’d been through — the bullying by his parents, the kids from school and now the confusion with his powers, Elijah was handling things very well. No wonder — he was a child of the gods. They stayed for another hour and then headed up Beach Road to the restaurant.
Jaxon pulled into the parking lot and got out of the rental car. Elijah stood in the parking lot smiling at the sign.
“Interesting name for a restaurant.”
“Reminds me of a character on an ’80s sitcom.”
“You watched ’80s TV shows?”
Jaxon had to laugh at Elijah’s widened eyes. “Why? Did you?”
“Whenever I could on TV Land.”
“So you just got my reference?”
“Yes, ‘The Facts of Life,’” Elijah grinned.
Jaxon took Elijah’s hand as they entered. They were still laughing as they were seated in the back at a small round table. Jaxon grabbed the menu and perused it. He heard Elijah chuckling and looked up.
“They better have bacon.�
“This looks good; they have warm bread with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.”
“God. That does sound good. The prawns do, too. I’m at an impasse; I don’t know if I want the ribeye or the lamb curry.”
“How about I get the ribeye and we’ll share our meals?”
“I like that. Sounds good.”
After the waiter had taken their order, Jaxon sat back and admired Elijah. He’d grown since the first time he’d seen him. Although he was still five-foot-ten, he looked older. He had filled out. He certainly looked older than eighteen.
“I love their hours of operation,” Elijah chuckled. “Eleven a.m. until late. When’s late?”
“Out here? No clue.” Jaxon rested in his chair and smiled. “You look good, even after everything you’ve been through.”
“Well, we don’t know the extent of the damage Carl did to me.” Elijah shivered.
Jaxon gripped the table’s edge. “I should have known; I should have seen it before I did.”
Elijah reached across the table and took Jaxon’s hand. He rubbed the skin on top before sliding his thumb underneath and rubbing the palm of Jaxon’s hand. A look of surprise covered Jaxon’s face and Elijah winked.
“I love how I can shock you.”
Jaxon swallowed hard. “You really aren’t that sixteen-year -old I met, are you?”
“Depends on what you mean by that.” Elijah slipped the straw between his teeth and drank his water, swallowing slowly.
Jaxon looked around the restaurant and covertly adjusted his hardening dick. Jesus, Elijah could tease.
“Stop that,” he whispered.
“What?” Elijah slipped his tongue around the straw before sucking it back into his mouth.
“Jesus.” Jaxon licked his lips.
“Oh, look. Our food is here.” Elijah leaned back in his chair with a satisfied grin.
Jaxon arched a brow and waggled a finger at Elijah. “You’ll pay for that.”
Jaxon let out a low growl and Elijah smiled. The waiter placed their plates in front of them and asked if they needed any refills before heading back off to wherever he’d come from. Elijah pushed half the curry to the side of his plate and motioned to Jaxon’s steak.
“Here, let me put this on your plate.”
Jaxon sliced his ribeye in half and held his plate up so they could trade. Elijah took a bite of the meat and smiled.
“That’s good.”
“So is the curry.” Jaxon nodded in appreciation as the lamb practically dissolved in his mouth.
“So, you gave me a key.”
Jaxon nodded.
“You’re serious about wanting me now? No more pushing me away?”
Jaxon put his fork down and regarded Elijah. He sighed heavily and met the curious gaze.
“Yes, as egotistical as it sounds, I missed you flirting with me. I missed that you wanted only me — and the thought of you having a boyfriend?” Jaxon shuddered.
“There will never be anyone else for me but you, Jaxon. I don’t care what Carl did to my head; obviously it didn’t work.”
“As much as I hate to say this, I don’t think they’re done yet, Elijah. They really want you and your powers. Which means you will have someone on your ass all day every day until Carl and his merry band of fuckwits is dead.”
“Fuckwits?” Elijah grinned.
“Yes, fuckwits.”
“You know,” Elijah leaned forward and locked eyes with Jaxon. “That is kind of sad and pathetic that you missed my flirting.”
“I’m so going to punish you for that.” Jaxon narrowed his eyes.
“Please?” Elijah waggled his brows.
Jaxon laughed.
Dinner was nice. They talked more than they ever had. Elijah was in heaven. After all the time he’d spent lusting over the middle Salvatore brother, to know that Jaxon wanted him just as much?
They walked down the beach hand-in-hand for a little while. The sun was still up, even at nine at night. New Zealand was beautiful and Elijah couldn’t wait to come back. He dragged Jaxon into one of the corner drugstores and perused the aisles.
“What are you looking for?”
“I know we’re taking it slow, but I’d still like to be prepared.” Elijah stood in front of the condoms and lube. He eyed Jaxon and grinned. “So, Trojan Man. What size?”
Jaxon chuckled and leaned into Elijah’s ear. “I’m a werewolf; I don’t get sick and I can’t catch anything.”
Elijah’s eyes widened. “So we can…we can…”
Jaxon nodded. “Bareback.”
Elijah shivered at the thought. Jaxon Salvatore buried in his ass to the hilt — bare? Oh holy hell and shit.
“Lube?” Elijah cocked an eyebrow at Jaxon.
“It’s a must.”
“Flavored or non?” Elijah waggled his eyebrows.
Elijah laughed.
The lounge was pumping music as they got back to their hotel room. It was kinda nice, like having their own soundtrack. Elijah felt arms come around his waist and sank back into hard muscle as Jaxon’s lips nibbled along his throat.
“Do you know how hard it’s been for me to keep you at arm’s length?” Jaxon whispered huskily into Elijah’s ear. “I’ve wanted you so much.”
Elijah turned in Jaxon’s embrace and lifted his face. A warm hand settled on his cheek and soft lips feathered across his. His fingers dug into Jaxon’s hips, pulling them together.
“I want to taste every inch of your skin, find out what makes you moan — what makes you scream.”
Elijah shivered.
“I want that, too,” he whispered.
Elijah lifted his arms as Jaxon pulled the hem of his T-shirt up. The cotton tee fell to the floor and Elijah gasped as Jaxon’s mouth covered one of his nipples. He moaned and let his head fall back as Jaxon nibbled and teased him. Curling his fingers into Jaxon’s hair, Elijah let the sensation of Jaxon’s touch wash over him.
Jaxon’s mouth moved lower, across his abdomen and to his navel. Elijah’s legs shook as Jaxon’s fingers deftly unzipped his pants and pulled them down, along with his boxers.
“Damn,” Jaxon breathed. “You’re so beautiful, Elijah. I’m going to go slow, okay?”
“Can’t stand,” Elijah panted.
Jaxon stood and picked Elijah up; he carried him to the bed and they both fell back onto the comforter. Elijah’s hands were trying to unzip his pants and Jaxon stilled them.
“I’ll get them.” Jaxon leaned in and kissed Elijah softly.
Jaxon undressed and then resumed his position over Elijah. He searched Elijah’s eyes and saw the need, but also fear. He smoothed Elijah’s already sweat-soaked hair back and kissed his temple.
“We’ll go slow, remember? If you want me to stop, just say so.”
“I don’t want you to stop; I’m just scared I’ll get out of control.”
Jaxon teased Elijah’s bottom lip with his tongue; he slid inside and kissed him slowly, licking and sucking on his tongue. His fingers crept between Elijah’s thighs and brushed his balls. Elijah whimpered and gripped Jaxon’s hair, pulling him deeper into the kiss. Jaxon gently massaged one ball and dipped his finger to Elijah’s perineum. He rubbed it with his thumb and pressed on it gently. Another low moan rose from Elijah and Jaxon slid his finger lower, rubbing across Elijah’s hole.
“Jaxon.” Elijah broke from the kiss panting.
“You’re safe with me.” Jaxon locked eyes with Elijah. “Do you want this?”
Elijah nodded.
“Hand me the lube.”
Elijah grabbed it from the table and handed it over. Jaxon slicked two fingers up, and then resumed his position over Elijah. He dipped his head to catch Elijah’s lips again as his finger slipped inside to the first knuckle. A mewling sound escaped Elijah as Jaxon pushed in a bit deeper, crooking his finger.
“Is that okay?” Jaxon asked.
Elijah nodded. “More.”
Jaxon smiled before taking Elijah’s mouth once more. He slid in another finger and stretched Elijah as he looked for the spot that would make Elijah whine. Jaxon used his free hand to jack off Elijah as he pushed in a bit deeper; he bent his fingers and brushed the bundle of nerves he’d been seeking. Elijah’s back arched and cum shot from his slit, coating his chest. Jaxon’s eyes widened as Elijah just kept coming.
“Oh God, oh God, oh GOD!” Elijah’s body shook from the force of his release and sweat slid from his forehead. His hands tingled and his eyes widened. “Shit, shit, shit!”
Jaxon backed away as fire burst from Elijah’s chest. In the next second, he was looking into the eyes of a phoenix. He put his hands up in defense.
“I wouldn’t hurt him.”
The phoenix eyed him closely, and then it flapped its wings and disappeared. Jaxon sat down on the bed and heaved a huge sigh of relief. Damn, Elijah had one hell of a defense mechanism.
“Are you okay?” Elijah whispered.
“I’m fine,” Jaxon turned back to Elijah on the bed. He looked scared, as if he thought Jaxon would leave. Jaxon pulled Elijah into his arms and held him, inhaling his scent. “That was so cool!”
Elijah blinked. “What? You’re not ready to run screaming from me? A phoenix just popped out of my chest.”
“Yeah, but it was a small one,” Jaxon chuckled.
Elijah leaned back a bit, staring at Jaxon. “You’re one hell of an exceptional man, do you know that?”
“So are you, Elijah.”
Elijah cupped Jaxon’s face in his hands. “We were meant to be together, weren’t we?”
“What makes you say that?”
“I feel this pull to you. I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s like I ache without you.”
“I have to tell you something,” Jaxon sighed. “I think whatever Carl’s doing to you, it’s embedded in your sub-conscious.”
“What do you mean?”
“The other night, you were crying and I held you. You said I was going to hurt you. I think that’s what Carl’s plan is, to make you think I hate you.”