At Year's End (The 12 Olympians) Read online

Page 15

  “Are you okay?”


  “Can you say anything other than ‘yep’?”

  “Uh huh.”

  Elijah rolled over to face Jaxon. He was biting his lip. He peered closer and saw the mirth in Jaxon’s eyes.

  “Why are you laughing?”

  “I’m not.”

  “Yes you are.” Elijah narrowed his eyes. “Something funny?”

  “No.” Jaxon pulled Elijah close and kissed his neck. “Two more days of school and then I get you all to myself.”

  Elijah shivered at the warm mouth trailing his jaw and nibbling at him. Damn, he’d never get tired of Jaxon touching him. He’d waited so long.



  “Very funny.” Jaxon smiled in Elijah’s neck. “I was wondering if maybe on Friday you want to take things a little further?”

  “Like?” Elijah locked eyes with Jaxon.

  “You could make love to me.”

  “Um,” Elijah closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “What if I flip out?”

  “We’ll work on it together, okay? Slow is the word of the day.”

  “Slow is the word of the year,” Elijah sighed and buried his face in Jaxon’s neck.

  “Let’s just play it by ear.” Jaxon closed his eyes and inhaled the scent of Elijah. “Goodnight.”


  The club, as always, was shaking with bass on Friday night. Jaxon leaned against the wall as Elijah and the rest of the guys went about setting things up for the night.

  Killian stood on the other side of him, arms crossed, scowl in place. As much as the guy was coming around, he still lacked…finesse in certain areas. Justice made his way over to them with Noah in tow. Jaxon had to smile at Noah. He’d had to put up with a rash of shit from Justice and he still managed to get Jesse. The man was tenacious.

  “So, did they say what they had up their sleeves?” Jaxon asked Justice.

  “Nope. The only thing Skylar said was that I’d want to mount him after.”

  Killian snorted.

  The lights dimmed in the club and whoops and whistles broke out in the crowd. The spotlight shone on the stage and Olivia Stetson smiled at them.

  “Hello boys and girls. We have a special treat for you tonight. The men of ‘Barely Legal’ are all singing together. Now, I know when you hear the lyrics you can change them to fit the situation of this club, right? We all know if it’s about a woman, they are singing it for a man. So, without further ado, I give you the men of ‘Barely Legal’ singing SoMo’s ‘Ride’.”

  The club went dark and men were shouting and whistling as the guys took the stage and got into formation. The spotlight came up on Ryder as the music started.

  “What song is this?” Killian asked.

  “She just said it.” Noah glanced over at Killian.

  “I have never heard this.” Killian scowled.

  “Oh wow, that is…um…” Justice swallowed hard as the bridge began and the men lined up, undulating their hips as they sang.

  “Holy shit.” Jaxon licked his lips.

  “It is very…provocative.” Killian’s eyes were glued to Stone. The teen’s hand was sliding up his flimsy T-shirt as his hips moved.

  “I think they took pointers from the striptease.” Jaxon swallowed hard as Elijah’s hips moved in time with the music. They were perfectly in sync. Jaxon thought about what those hips would be doing later. Elijah seemed to know what he was thinking because in the next moment, his part of the song came up and he was staring right at him when he sang it, even winking at him. Jaxon adjusted his erection covertly.

  Justice chuckled next to him. “Oh, bro, are you in for it tonight!”


  Two hours later, Jaxon stood unsure of himself in his own room. It wasn’t as if he’d never had sex, but this was Elijah — someone he was falling for. Oh hell, who the fuck was he kidding? He loved Elijah. He had from the first moment he’d laid eyes on the kid at camp.

  Elijah seemed nervous as well, his hands shaking as he removed his T-shirt. Jaxon walked across the room and took his hands.

  “It’s okay; remember, slow,” he whispered.

  Elijah nodded and reached out to Jaxon’s jeans. His fingers pulled at the top button and tugged it free. Jaxon’s breath hitched as the sound of his zipper filled the room. Warm hands slid up his abdomen and across his pectoral muscles. Elijah’s arms locked around his neck and then they were kissing. Elijah’s mouth was warm, and tasted of Dr Pepper. The kiss started slow and leisurely, as both of them explored the other with timid strokes of the tongue and gentle bites.

  Jaxon pulled at Elijah’s jeans and slid them down; he ran his hand over one cheek as he kept their mouths together. Elijah moaned in his mouth as his clothing hit the floor. Both of them were already hard and ready, leaking precome.

  They walked backwards toward the bed and Jaxon sat down. Elijah stood in front of him, his erection pointing at what he wanted. Jaxon took it in his hand and stroked it slowly while licking around the rim.

  “I’m not going to make it into you if you keep doing that,” Elijah panted. “Lube?”

  Jaxon smiled and let go of Elijah’s dick. He opened his drawer and removed the lube. Placing it on the bed, he pulled Elijah down on top of him. Elijah’s body conformed to his perfectly. Elijah’s breaths tickled his lips and then they were kissing again. Jaxon’s hand gripped Elijah’s ass, pulling him against him tighter and rubbing their pricks.

  “Oh God, I want you so much,” Elijah gasped.

  “I want you, too. God, you have no idea.” Jaxon grabbed for the lube and flicked the cap open. “Give me three of your fingers.”

  “Three?” Elijah raised a brow.

  “Yes, never had anything in there except maybe my own fingers.”

  Elijah coated his fingers. Jaxon’s legs fell open, allowing him more room to maneuver. Elijah swallowed hard and circled Jaxon’s hole with the tip of his finger. The skin twitched in anticipation and Elijah slid in to the knuckle. Jaxon’s back arched and a low moan escaped him.

  “Is that okay?” Elijah whispered.

  “Yes, so good. Deeper, go deeper.”

  Elijah pushed in further, kissing Jaxon as he did. The song from the club came to mind and Elijah moved with the rhythm. He added another finger and pumped his hips. His dick was leaking copious amounts of precome as the thought of entering Jaxon became closer to reality. Elijah lifted Jaxon’s leg and put it over his shoulder as he added another finger, pushing them up as far as they would go.

  “Yes! Holy shit! Right there, Elijah,” Jaxon practically screamed.

  Elijah scissored his fingers, reaching up to Jaxon’s spot and rubbing it. Jaxon was mumbling and writhing on the bed as Elijah continued to tease him into a frenzy.

  “Now, oh God please!” Jaxon panted.

  Elijah slicked his dick and positioned himself right at Jaxon’s entrance. He squeezed his eyes shut and pushed in. His eyes went wide as he sank into the heat. Jaxon’s walls clamped down on him, causing him to suck in a breath. It was so warm, so tight, so everything he thought it would be. It was an explosion of sensations he’d never felt before.

  He was making love to the man he’d wanted for what seemed like forever.

  Elijah let the song play in his head and kept rhythm with it. Jaxon’s fingers were digging into his shoulders, and their lips were fused once more as Elijah moved.

  Elijah felt everything — Jaxon’s breaths through his nostrils, his warm tongue in his mouth and every pump of blood. Elijah’s arms shook and his balls filled as he kicked it up a notch. Jaxon was mewling under him and Elijah held back as much as he could. He grabbed Jaxon’s dick and began stroking him in time with his thrusts. Jaxon broke from the kiss, eyes wild.

  “Oh shit, ohhh!” Jaxon shouted.

  Cum raced from Jaxon’s slit as his orgasm ravaged his entire body. He shuddered as his body succumbed to the pleasure of having Elijah inside him.

nbsp; Elijah slammed in and his dick erupted.

  “Bite me!” he shouted.


  “BITE ME!”

  Jaxon pulled Elijah down and sank his canines into his shoulder.

  Heat slammed into him and Elijah cried out. He pulled out and slumped over on his side as Jaxon’s bite coursed through his veins.

  “Jaxon!” Elijah lifted his head.

  “Elijah!” Jaxon scrambled to get up. His eyes went wide as a much larger phoenix than before emerged from Elijah. It was the same size as Elijah himself. It screeched and advanced on Jaxon. Heat swamped him from the flapping wings and Jaxon met head-on with the phoenix, standing his ground. They eyed each other and the bird blinked. It made another screeching sound and flapped its wings, disappearing.

  “Jesus.” Jaxon scrambled over to Elijah. The bite wound wasn’t healing as fast as Jaxon would have liked; he bit his wrist and dripped some blood onto the shoulder.

  “Look at me! Are you okay?” Elijah stared up at him and Jaxon’s mouth fell open. “Holy shit! Your eyes are orange.”

  “Orange?” Elijah licked his lips.

  “Yes.” Jaxon pulled Elijah into his arms. “Are you okay? I shouldn’t have done that!”

  “Yes, you should have. We belong to each other, Jaxon.”

  “You’re shaking,” Jaxon held Elijah close to him. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yeah. Feels weird, though.” Elijah blinked a few more times, and then stared into Jaxon’s eyes. “Was that a huge phoenix this time?”

  “Yep, it sure was,” Jaxon chuckled.

  “So the more power I get, the bigger they get?”

  “I would assume yes.”

  Elijah ran his hand over his shoulder. “The holes are gone?”

  “Yes. I’ve given you my blood before, but they weren’t healing as fast as I would have liked so I helped you out.”

  “That is so awesome,” Elijah sighed and snuggled into Jaxon. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For being my first everything.”

  “How about being your only everything? Hell, you were really good. Were you humming the song from tonight?”

  “Yep.” Elijah grinned.

  “Well, that was some awesome rhythm. I hardly felt any pain and based on what I’ve heard, that’s saying a lot.” Jaxon eyed Elijah’s dick. They were roughly the same length, about eight inches, but Elijah was thick. Like, really thick.

  “I can’t wait for you to make love to me,” Elijah mumbled sleepily.

  “I can’t either, Elijah.” Jaxon rolled them over and got under the covers. He pulled Elijah close to him and pulled the blanket up. “Goodnight, Elijah.”

  “Nite, Jaxon.”

  ~*Chapter Twelve*~

  Saturday morning’s rays popped through his blinds and Jaxon’s nose twitched at the smell of coffee wafting under his door. Elijah was still sacked out from the night before. He couldn’t blame him. Jaxon moved and was saddened to feel no pain. He’d wanted to feel Elijah for days. Sometimes it just sucked being a werewolf with quick-healing abilities.

  His eyes took in the sight of Elijah sleeping peacefully. He’d never get tired of waking up with him. Jaxon placed a soft kiss on Elijah’s forehead and rolled out of bed carefully, trying not to wake the younger man.

  “Younger man. Pfft,” he whispered to himself.

  The way Elijah had made love to him last night — damn! Jaxon smiled to himself and pulled on his sweatpants and a T-shirt. He descended the stairs and all talk ceased as he wandered into the kitchen. Justice and Jesse were at the kitchen table, both of them smiling at him.

  “What? You guys look like serial killers.”

  “Have a good night?” Jesse chuckled.

  “Someone had sex.” Justice’s nose wrinkled.

  “How do you know?” Jaxon poured himself a cup of coffee and turned to see them both with their pendants raised. Scorch marks were visible on their chests.

  “Did you happen to bite Elijah last night?” Justice asked.

  Jaxon sat down at the table and stared at the marks on his brothers. “What the hell?” he whispered.

  “You tell me.” Jesse flipped the pendant around his finger. “One minute I’m sound asleep; the next? Holy hell it burned like a mother fucker!”

  Jaxon whipped his head to Justice. “Care to explain?”

  Justice shrugged. “Wish I could.”

  “Well, you should have seen the damn phoenix that came out of Elijah last night.”

  “I’m sorry, a what?” Jesse’s eyes widened.

  “Oh yeah, when Elijah feels overwhelmed, a phoenix pops out of him. They started out small and then last night?” Jaxon put his hands in the air to demonstrate the size of the bird. “The thing just stared at me, and then disappeared.”

  “Wow,” Justice said.

  “Ya think?” Jaxon chuckled and sipped his coffee.

  “So? Club tonight?”

  “As always.”


  After spending the entire day wrapped up in Elijah’s arms watching brooding and pyscho brothers on TV, Jaxon didn’t even want to go to the club. Elijah on the other hand? He was raring to go and try out some new songs with the guys. Jaxon relented and they went.

  They entered through the alley back door and ran into Skylar immediately. Jaxon hugged him and winked. The rest of the guys were already setting up as Jaxon made his way out into the packed club. Jesse was behind the bar with Noah. Jaxon waved and leaned over so they could hear him.

  “Just some water, okay?” he yelled.

  As the boys took the stage, more and more people began to show up until the club was standing room only. Jaxon weaved through the crowd trying to get a closer look at the stage.


  Jaxon turned to see Elijah wearing a huge grin.

  “Why are you down here?” Jaxon wrapped him up in his arms and held him.

  “I wanted to kiss my man.” Elijah waggled his eyebrows.

  “Are you sure you want to do that? You know how these guys love you.”

  Elijah smiled and kissed Jaxon’s lips softly. “Yes, but I belong to you.”

  “Yes, yes you do, Elijah.” Jaxon ran his hand into Elijah’s hair and pulled him up; Elijah wrapped his hands in Jaxon’s hair as the kiss deepened. They were interrupted by boos and Jaxon smiled against Elijah’s lips.

  “I told you.”

  Elijah chuckled and gave him a light kiss. “See you after?”

  “I’ll be here.”

  The first set seemed to fly by and Elijah couldn’t be happier. Their little group had become so much more than just a cover band. They were really good, and Nate Valentine and Stone Marinos only added to it. Elijah bowed to a clapping and whistling crowd and they all left the stage in search of water. Elijah hit the restroom first; he splashed his face and looked in the mirror. Did he look different now that he’d had sex? He grinned and dried his face. Leaving the bathroom, he ran into Skylar on his way down the hall.

  “Hey, what’s up?”

  “I forgot something in my car.” Skylar began walking again.

  “Well, hang on, I’ll go with you.”

  “I don’t need an escort,” Skylar chuckled.

  “Hey, we need to stick together. Let me just tell Jaxon.”

  Elijah made his way to the bar and leaned into Jaxon’s ear.

  “I’ll be right back, just walking to Skylar’s car with him.”

  “Need me to go?” Jaxon asked.

  “I think two children of gods can handle a parking lot.” Elijah kissed Jaxon softly. “Can’t wait until later.”

  “Me either.” Jaxon opened his mouth as Elijah’s tongue begged for entrance. They kissed slowly, oblivious to everything and everyone around them. Jaxon broke the kiss and palmed Elijah’s face.

  “Okay, really have to go.” Elijah grinned, walking backwards. “Be right back.”

  “Hang on — let me just get Jesse to man the bar and
I’ll go with you guys.” Jaxon headed off and Elijah walked back and propped against the bar. A minute later, he shook his head and laughed. This is ridiculous; I’m just going to the parking lot with a buddy.

  Elijah met up with Skylar in the hallway by the back door and they both walked outside. The cool February air hit Elijah and he sighed in bliss. Skylar seemed to be playing with his cell phone and Elijah looked around the dark parking lot.

  “Where’s your car?”

  “Over there,” Skylar pointed.

  “Just what did you forget?” Elijah had a feeling of uneasiness the further they walked away from the club. A far off tone met his ears and he stopped walking. Skylar walked back over to him with a frown.

  “What’s wrong?” Skylar asked.

  “Something’s not right.” Elijah shuddered.

  Skylar stepped forward and hugged him.

  “Everything’s going to be just fine, Elijah.”

  White-hot pain seared his neck and Elijah stumbled backwards onto his ass. His eyesight grew bleary and his body felt like it was floating on air.

  “You’re not Skylar,” Elijah slurred.

  “Bravo, sweetness.”

  Carl threw Elijah over his shoulder, opened the car door and shoved him in, then made his way around to the driver’s side. He started the car and backed out, locking the doors as he did.

  “I knew you’d never forget him. I just knew it!” Carl gripped the steering wheel harder. “All this time I’ve been working on you, hoping that you’d just come to see things our way, but you won’t, will you?”

  Elijah moved further back in the seat. “What are you talking about?”

  “You think Jaxon’s going to accept you? You’re a freak, Elijah. Yeah, I know all about it. You start fires with your mind.”

  Elijah edged further towards the car door. “What do you mean you know?” he whispered.

  “You think Jaxon’s still going to look at you the same way knowing what you are? You’re a demon, Elijah. You belong with us.”

  “No I’m not! You’re that Carl guy!”

  Carl looked over at him and Elijah tried to scream but nothing would come out. Yellow eyes and a row of razor-sharp teeth leered at him