At Year's End (The 12 Olympians) Read online

Page 5

  “It has to be something on his person almost all the time. It can be a watch as well; anything that can create sound can be used. A certain tone is used and the person is thrown into a trance. I would ask Elijah if he’s losing time — if he wakes up and doesn’t know how he got there. More than likely, they are sending him home, or he is at home, when they’re done screwing with his head and he thinks he just fell asleep. And for fuck’s sake, get the damn phone away from him.” James rubbed his face with his hands. “Jesus! When will this shit be over? I want these fuckers dead.”

  “Join the club,” Jaxon sighed in frustration. “I’ll get his phone. I’ll buy him a new one and give him a new number.”

  “Keep a close eye on him, Jaxon. We may have to pull him out of that house now.”

  “I thought you said you couldn’t until he was eighteen?”

  “Oh, they tried to put shit in my way. I let them think they had the upper hand, but now we’re as certain as we can be that they’re messing with Elijah’s head and it’s time to stop playing. I’ll deal with his guardians. Get him out now.”

  Jaxon checked his watch. “I’ll pick him up after school and take him to Skylar’s.”

  “He can stay with you, you know.” James raised his brows suggestively.

  “No, not yet. If he’s that close to me, I don’t know if I can control myself.” Jaxon shook his head. “I’ll take him to Skylar’s, and then pull guard duty on the roof.”

  “With Killian?” Derek laughed. “Won’t that be fun?”

  “He’s actually come quite a ways. At least now he kind of thinks before he speaks,” Jaxon chuckled.

  “Either way, he’s vital to this team.” James stood up and paced the office. “By the way, we’re working with Wraith but I don’t think he’s ready for contact with anyone else yet.”

  “And the polar bear?” Jaxon asked.

  James shook his head. “Nothing yet. He doesn’t trust us, doesn’t shift, but he stays in the apartment. The most important thing right now is to get Elijah to safety. He’s already shown what he can do with his powers — at least somewhat. We have no idea how strong he’ll become. Look at Skylar; he can part the damn seas.”

  “Thank God they’re on our side,” Jaxon agreed. He stood and regarded both men. “I’ll get him today, just do your part.”

  James grinned. “Oh, you can count on it.”

  A knock on the door sounded and James glanced over at Derek.

  “Come in,” he said.

  Keegan Markov walked in, holding a folder. He spared a glance at Jaxon and smiled, then seated himself across the desk from James.

  “I have some information for you. It took a lot of work; Nikolai helped, as well as Chance.”

  James pulled out a picture and inspected it closely.

  “This is that Carl guy, Petey’s right hand man.”

  “Look at the date on the picture, and the name,” Keegan said.

  “1912?” James lifted his eyes to Keegan. “Carl Atlas.”

  “He’s much older than that; we found pictures from the 1800s.”

  “I didn’t think regular werewolves lived that long, much less rogues.”

  There was a large sigh from above them, and James peered up at the ceiling.

  “Did anyone else hear that?” James asked the room.

  “Uh huh.” Keegan nodded. “So, they must be more than rogue werewolves?” He stared up at the ceiling as if it would answer him. “Maybe they're gods, too?”

  A light took shape on the ceiling and drifted down to the floor. A white flowing robe began to materialize. James and Keegan backed up as a woman formed from the light.

  “Sometimes I feel I need to give you boys instructions.”

  “Gaea?” Keegan whispered.

  “Yes. Now how would these rogues still be around?” Gaea tapped her foot, arms crossed.

  “Because they are the embodiment of the Titans?” Keegan guessed.

  “Very good! A plus for you, cutie. There is a weapon — ”

  “The adamantine sickle!” Keegan almost shouted.

  “I’m sorry, a what?” Jaxon asked

  “The sickle was made by Gaea. We need to find it.” Keegan turned to Gaea.

  “Is it only those two?” James pointed at Petey and Carl.

  “No. Pierce was a Titan and there are a few more. Besides the sickle, they have to be killed by someone who is at their power or above.”

  “Chance is powerful.” James nodded.

  “And supernatural,” Keegan pointed out. “The Christianson line dates back to ancient Greece.”

  “It will take more than Chance. You must be ready.” Gaea eyed Jaxon Salvatore. “I will see you soon.”

  Gaea disappeared and Jaxon held onto the desk for support. Keegan did the same.

  “What does that mean?” Jaxon turned to the other men in the room.

  “Is it just me or do you feel drained?” Keegan gasped.

  “No, it’s not just you,” James replied.

  “I feel fine,” Derek grinned.

  “We need to either make him a werewolf, or immortal.” Keegan narrowed his eyes at Derek.

  “Well, this just gets more and more complicated, doesn’t it? Titans, Olympians and shifters, oh my!” Jaxon sighed in frustration.

  “Well, Chance put a cloaking spell on all of the supernaturals,” James pointed out. “They can’t be detected by Petey and his merry band of assholes. Unfortunately, we can’t see them to keep track of them, either.”

  Jaxon rubbed both hands down his face and grimaced.

  “Go get ready for Elijah, Jaxon,” James grinned, sitting back down. “One thing at a time.”

  Jaxon stood and shook Keegan’s hand. He nodded to Derek. “Later.”


  Jaxon busied himself for the rest of the day. He went to Skylar’s right away and told him what was going on. Although Skylar lived in Jackson Murphy’s old house, he still spent time with Justice in the Salvatores’ house on Mercer Island. The two were engaged, but it was going to be a long engagement.

  Jaxon walked through the house with Skylar and went back to Elijah’s new room.

  “He loved it,” Skylar enthused. “He has a view of the Sound from his window.”

  Jaxon peered out at the water. If he had his way, he’d be spending a lot of time with Elijah in this room.

  “He still cares about you. I hope you saw that yesterday,” Skylar said quietly.

  “God, I hope so. I want him to be comfortable here, and when he’s ready, I want him to live with me.”

  Skylar’s mouth dropped open. “Really? All this time — ”

  “He was sixteen, Skylar.” Jaxon turned to face him. “I’m a lot of things, but a pervert isn’t one of them. I respect Elijah, and I want us to have a relationship of mutual trust and equality.”

  Skylar grinned. “You know he’s going to jump at living with you.”

  “We’ll see. Right now, I want to find out who is messing with him. You said he has a boyfriend, but Elijah doesn’t remember one. Have you guys met him?”

  “No, and that’s the weird part. I’ve never seen this guy. Elijah said he goes to a different high school.”

  Jaxon frowned. “I guess I’ll have to do some snooping.”

  They both went back downstairs and Jaxon grabbed his jacket off the back of the kitchen chair.

  Skylar glanced at the clock on the wall. “You better get going.”

  Jaxon turned toward the front door, and then looked over his shoulder. “Congratulations, by the way. I know Justice loves you more than anything.”

  “I love him, too.” Skylar’s cheeks heated.

  Jaxon’s wolf pendant heated and he hissed, grabbing at it.

  “What is up with that thing?” Skylar tilted his head to the side.

  “I don’t know.” Jaxon pulled the pendant away from his skin and inspected it. “It gets really hot sometimes.”

  “Justice knows, doesn’t he?”

I think so. I don’t think he’s allowed to say anything, though. Or he doesn’t know the whole story behind them.”

  “Maybe he doesn’t want to influence whatever they are designed for?”

  Jaxon had never thought of that. He dropped the pendant back under his shirt. “Maybe. I’ll be back.”

  “Okay, ‘Ahnold’,” Skylar snorted.

  Jaxon narrowed his eye with a grin. “We are so playing, ‘name that movie’ later.”

  “You’re on!”


  Jaxon pulled up to the curb by the school with two minutes to spare. He reclined back on the seat and propped his foot up. The football team was practicing on the field to the right and Jaxon noticed the player who had been messing with Elijah. He waved casually as the kid met his eyes. The player’s eyes widened and he moved behind another athlete. Jaxon chuckled and turned his attention back to the front of the school.

  A man in a suit noticed him and made his way across the street toward him. Jaxon crossed his arms and fixed the man with a surprisingly polite ‘don’t-fuck-with-me’ look.

  “Can I help you?” the man asked.

  “I don’t think so. I’m waiting to pick someone up.”

  “Are you on the approved list?”

  Jaxon pulled out his badge and flipped it open. “You tell me.”

  The man’s eyes widened as he looked at the skull and crossbones. The name registered immediately. His eyes flicked up and he locked eyes with Jaxon.

  “I’m sorry, sir. I’m headmaster Windsor,” he said, as he extended his hand.

  Jaxon pocketed his badge and smiled, gripping the extended hand. Firm, but not too rough.

  “No problem. I’m glad you’re taking the safety of these kids seriously. I’d like to talk to you about the bullying, however.”

  “We have a strict no-bullying policy at this school.”

  “Well, it’s lacking. So unless you want to see my boss in your office, I suggest you make some amendments.”

  The sound of the bell ringing cut off Jaxon’s next words. He watched the front door closely for Elijah.

  “I’m going to assume you make the rules, you have that look about you. I can tell you right now that Caden Fournier will be here next week for college days with Elijah Newman. He’s going to ask you a ton of questions about your rules as well as your academics. I know you don’t want to make an enemy of him,” Jaxon grinned. “Do you?”

  “No, no, of course not. Mr. Fournier makes sizeable donations every year.”

  “As do Riley Flynn-Esposito and Wayne Maccon, isn’t that right?” Riley, Wayne and Caden were billionaires who were beyond generous with their money, and devoted much of their time to founding outreach centers for at-risk gay youth.

  “Yes, that’s correct.”

  “I suggest you do some homework, then, and talk to a few of your students. I can assure you there are some kids here who are bullying others.” Jaxon caught sight of Elijah coming out of the building and whistled loudly. The blue eyes widened in surprise as Elijah saw him. He turned back to the headmaster with a wry grin.

  “You’ll excuse me now?”

  “Oh, of course.”

  Jaxon had to laugh as the man practically ran back across the street. James Pruitt-Jacobs had met with all the heads of the departments at the school, so Jaxon knew the headmaster had met his boss. Windsor knew exactly what the badge meant, and what came with it.

  Elijah looked both ways before crossing the busy street. He trotted up to the bike with a wide grin.


  “Hey,” Jaxon took Elijah’s backpack from his shoulder. “Good day?”

  “Not that I’m complaining, because believe me, I’m not, but why are you here again?”

  “Remember when Skylar told you about your silent bodyguards?”

  Elijah nodded.

  Jaxon grinned.

  Elijah’s eyes widened. “You’re mine?”

  Jaxon winked.

  “But, Skylar said you guys would be unseen and not interfere.”

  “Well, I’m here to be seen and I plan to interfere. If that’s okay with you?”

  “Are you joking right now?” Elijah let loose a hearty laugh.

  “You may change your mind after I tell you what I need from you.”

  Elijah’s brows furrowed. “Like what?”

  “First things first — I need your phone.”


  “Let’s just say you’re getting a brand new one, whichever one you want, and a new number. You can’t give it out either.”

  “But what about the guys?”

  “They can have it, but absolutely no one else. Got it?”

  Elijah contemplated the offer. “Any phone I want?”

  Jaxon nodded. “Any phone you want.”

  Elijah snorted. “I think I can deal with that.”

  Jaxon patted the seat. Elijah climbed on and wrapped his arms around Jaxon’s waist. “Oh, and we’re moving you out of your house.”


  Jaxon roared the engine to life and pulled out of the parking lot. Elijah was talking up a storm behind him, but Jaxon had more important things on his mind. First off, getting Elijah’s phone out of his hands and giving him a new one. Elijah was still talking and Jaxon laughed.

  “Do you have a watch?” he asked.

  “No. I have a phone!” Elijah shouted over the Harley’s engine. “What about my stuff?”

  “Don’t worry about it!”


  Jaxon stood in front of the cell phone showcase. Elijah was looking over all of them carefully. God, but he looked so damn edible. The tight jeans accentuated a firm ass and Elijah’s shirt stretched across a nicely defined chest. The new leather jacket hung on him like a second skin. He wasn’t bulging in the muscles department, but he wasn’t scrawny either. They were standing close to each other, close enough for Jaxon to feel the heat of Elijah’s body on his own. Elijah was asking about data usage and texting.

  “Caden’s covering the bill, so get whatever you want.” Jaxon pulled his own phone out. “You should get one like mine, and then we can share pictures.”

  Elijah chuckled. “You take pictures with your phone?”

  “I do know how to use it.” Jaxon narrowed his eyes.

  Elijah looked back in the case. “I’ll take that one.”

  “It’s purple.” Jaxon eyed the phone.

  “I like purple.” Elijah turned to face Jaxon and put his hands on his hips. “What’s wrong with purple? It represents royalty.”

  “Ah, so now you’re royalty?” Jaxon cocked a brow.

  “I’m the king of texting.” Elijah waggled his brows.

  Jaxon leaned into Elijah’s face. “You never text me.”

  “I did, too. This morning.”

  “Yeah, two words: “I’m fine.”

  “Well, I was.” Elijah backed up a few inches. Jaxon was extremely close to him. His lower body was firing up again and the heat seemed to be rising around them. “So, um, where are we going now?”

  “Skylar’s place.”

  “I’m moving in with them?”

  Jaxon grinned at the look of sheer excitement on Elijah’s face. God, how he wanted to hold him and kiss him. Jaxon took a deep breath and reeled in his inner wolf.

  “Yes. You are.”


  After buying Elijah’s phone, Jaxon took him out to eat at the Salvatore brother’s favorite sandwich shop on the piers. It was as close as they could get to the sandwiches served at eegee’s in Tucson.

  Jaxon stood and eyed the menu board. Elijah stood next to him, contemplating his own sandwich. He heard a soft chuckle and glanced over at Elijah.

  “What is it?”

  “The Baconalia?”

  “Yes, and I’ll be ordering it.”

  “Oooh! Make it two.”

  “Fries or onion rings?”

  “That depends.”

  Jaxon turned to eye Elijah, who was smirkin

  “Onion rings,” Jaxon grinned widely.

  Elijah pouted.

  Jaxon placed their order and they waited for their number to be called.

  “Next Friday is your birthday. What do you plan to do?” Jaxon asked, steering the conversation away from kissing.

  “What are you guys planning for me?”

  “What makes you think we’re planning anything?”

  “Pfft. Whatever.” Elijah grabbed for his wallet, but a warm hand enveloped his.

  “I’ve got this.”

  “So, are you hanging out with me again, bodyguard?”

  “If you want me to. I can stay around the house if not.”

  “Oh hell no! You have to watch the next episode of the show.”

  Jaxon sighed in frustration. “Fine. I suppose I could hang out and watch it.”

  Elijah narrowed his eyes at Jaxon. “You liked it!”

  “What? No I didn’t!”

  “Yes, you did.”

  Their number was called and Elijah grabbed his sandwich and started walking back to the bike. “Yeah, you did.”

  Jaxon had to laugh as Elijah swung his hips back and forth while pouting. God, could the time go any slower?

  When they arrived back at Skylar’s, the boys were singing around the dining room table. Elijah joined them and Jaxon sat on the couch with Justice, just listening. Each of them was totally in tune with the other; it was as if they were meant to come together. Now Jaxon knew they were.

  Even as a werewolf, it was hard to imagine that he was sitting in the same room as children of gods. He’d been aware of the supernatural from birth, but it didn’t help when he met Wayne, or Chance for that matter. Growing up, hearing stories of such things did not make such stories true. Now he knew all of it was.

  Elijah’s voice slid down his spine and curled around his testicles. Damn but the kid could sing!

  “Okay, let’s rest up our voices for tomorrow.”

  “Wait, you guys aren’t going to the club tonight?” Jaxon asked.

  “Nah. We’re leaving the drunks to sing. Our friend Olivia Stetson is there taking care of the karaoke machine. Some of these guys have homework that needs to be done before Monday. So we’re taking tonight to finish some of that up.” Skylar smiled at the group and went into the kitchen. Elijah followed him.