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At Year's End (The 12 Olympians) Page 7

  “I’ll get on that right away.” Jaxon stepped out onto the back porch and looked over the backyard where he’d spent so many nights. The thought of Elijah being here when everything went down turned his blood ice cold. He dialed Chance and the warlock answered on the second ring.

  “What’s going on?”

  “How do you know something’s going on?”

  “I just had this shiver pass down my spine. Something’s shifted. A darkness was extinguished.”

  “I have no idea what that means. I’m calling to ask if you can come to Washington state. We just found Elijah’s adoptive parents torn to shreds, and the house has been ransacked. We think they may have been trying to hide something.”

  “On my way.”

  “Thanks, Chance.”

  “Anything for Elijah.” Chance paused. “Why didn’t you just talk to me telepathically?”

  “I’d like to actually use my minutes. I’m paying for them.”

  Chance chuckled and hung up.

  Jaxon stepped back inside the house and met with Justice and Caden in the kitchen.

  “Looks like we’ll all be hanging around.”

  “Chance is coming?” Caden asked.

  “Yep. And we have some packing to do.”

  Four hours later, the Santorno cleaning team arrived. Jaxon stood with his brother in the kitchen as Caden spoke to them. They were accompanied by Lorenzo Costa and Dimitri Voronova, two assassins on Stefan Santorno’s team. Stefan, the notorious head of the Italian Mob, had joined forces with James’ Skull Blaster team after Vince Markov had fallen for James’ FBI agent, Keegan Ripley. Who was now Keegan Markov.

  The teams kept running into each other at assignments and it finally occurred to James that it made more sense for the two groups to work together. Since he was exactly Vince Markov’s type, Keegan had been the bait to get the talks started. The plan was to win over one man — Vince — and the rest would follow.

  The men spent a few minutes discussing the current situation. They had met Lorenzo at a meeting held by James, and Dimitri was well known throughout the group due to his affiliation with Andrei Panchenko, the head of the Russian Mob. And Vince’s ex-husband.

  Lorenzo sighed loudly as he surveyed the mess.

  “These rogues, it is not surprising you want them eliminated. They make such a mess.”

  Jaxon had to smile. Neither Lorenzo nor Dimitri seemed fazed at all by the mess in the house, which said a lot about what type of men they were.

  “We’re such a fun group, aren’t we?” Jaxon winked at the cleaning team. They were huge, at least six-foot-four, and looked like they’d tear your head off for looking at them sideways. “You guys got here fast.”

  “We have a jet as well,” Lorenzo grinned.

  “Lorenzo, how is your husband?” Caden asked.

  “Reece is well. He is working with the team in Turkey.”

  Reece Costa was a doctor and had gotten training to accompany the men on missions in that capacity. It hadn’t gone over well with his over-protective husband at first, but after extensive training, Lorenzo had finally relented.

  “This is Elijah’s guardians?” Dimitri motioned to the bits on the floor.

  “Yes. What’s left of them,” Justice answered.


  They all turned, the Santorno men pulling their weapons out immediately. A loud growl shook the house as Logan MacLeod stepped in front of Chance Christianson.

  “I’d rethink that if I were you,” Logan snarled.

  “Oh, shush!” Chance pushed past his mate. He stopped and surveyed the room. “My God, this was a bloodbath.” He closed his eyes and concentrated. “They weren’t expecting it at all. The man, he ran and tried to make it out the back door.”

  “You can see it?” Jaxon eyes widened.

  Chance nodded, keeping his eyes closed. “There were six other rogues, I can’t hear what they’re saying, but the woman was the first to die. They tried to get the man to talk, but he knew what was coming whether he talked or not. He tried to stall them, waving his hands around the house.”

  Chance opened his eyes and shivered. “Yeah, I don’t want to see anymore.” He put his hands out in front of him and slowly walked around the room.

  Lorenzo leaned into Logan’s ear. “What is he doing?” he whispered.

  “He’s trying to find what’s hidden.”

  Chance stopped and tilted his head. “It’s in the wall. It’s a key of some sort.”

  “Where?” Jaxon walked to the living room wall and ran his hands over it.

  “It’s behind concrete.” Chance opened his eyes and ran his hands over the wall. He tapped on it. “Right here.”

  “A key?” Justice punched through the wall. Pulling away at the sheetrock, he found the wall of concrete. “What the hell? This was an addition.”

  “Well, yeah, they don’t make walls out of concrete these days. Unless you ask for it and you live in a state where you need concrete walls.” Jaxon eyed the wall. “Claws or jackhammer?”

  “We have something that may work,” Lorenzo grinned.

  The small explosion rocked the wall behind him and Jaxon chuckled. They all walked back into the house to see a chunk of concrete blown out of the structure. Chance leaned over it and ran his hands across it.

  “We got the right piece, but we need to be careful getting it out. We could damage the key.”

  “Okay, we’ll take it over to James and see what he can do with it.” Jaxon surveyed the room and nodded to Caden. “We got everything? Elijah’s new clothes?”

  “Yes, we can go.” Caden put his hand out to Lorenzo. “We shall leave you to this?”

  Lorenzo shook Caden’s hand. “It will be our pleasure.”

  Dimitri chuckled.

  ~Chapter Six~

  Jaxon stood against the wall as the club shook from the music. Saturday night was in full swing and Cuffs and Stuff was rocking. Elijah stood onstage with the rest of the guys as the drunks in the club took their turn singing. When the Salvatores had returned to Skylar’s with the moving van, they decided not to let Elijah know yet what had happened to his adoptive parents. As much as Elijah hated them, he had no idea what they really were and that would be opening up another damn can of worms.

  Jaxon sighed in frustration. Elijah needed to know who he was and what was coming. The microphone squealed and then Skylar was under the lights.

  “Good evening! How’s everyone on this lovely Saturday?”

  The crowd roared and Skylar raised a hand to quiet them.

  “We know, we missed you too last night. Some of us still go to school!”

  Loud hissing and some boos came from the audience.

  “But, we’re here now and ready to rock your world! Put your hands together for Ryder Winters, Stone Marinos, Dasan Black, and Nate Valentine and last, but certainly not least, Elijah Newman!”

  Elijah came to the front of the stage with Ryder and looked over the crowd. He smiled as his eyes met Jaxon’s. He turned and wiggled his butt to the roar of the club. They really liked his ass. God knew why. Elijah laughed and leaned into Ryder.

  “We have a special song for Jesse Salvatore tonight!”

  The club lights sought out Jesse at the bar and shone on him.

  “We know how much you love boy bands!” Elijah shouted.

  Jesse scowled and flipped them the bird.

  “Aw, come on now!” Elijah motioned to Skylar by the karaoke machine. “Put your hands up for One Direction!”

  The music started and Elijah winked over at Jesse as he began singing ‘Kiss You.’

  The crowd went crazy as he, Ryder, Stone, Skylar, Nate and Dasan moved back and forth across the stage. Elijah sang his part and moved to let Skylar up front. He locked eyes with Jaxon and winked at him. Jaxon winked back and Elijah thought his knees would go out. Hot damn but that man could make him sweat just by looking at him. Elijah laughed as Dasan leaned over into the crowd singing his part. Stone jumped in front
of them as the song went to the bridge. They all stood together and belted out the ‘yeahs’.

  Elijah snapped to attention when his part of the song came around. He undulated his hips and shook his ass as he delivered his lyrics. Jaxon had moved to the front of the stage as more and more clubgoers were reaching out to touch them. PJ and the guys were very careful to keep the youngsters safe from inappropriate touching. Elijah shook his head at Jaxon as he got ready to pull a drunken man back. The guy was just a little tipsy, and he wasn’t touching him — yet. Jaxon scowled, but moved back a bit.

  Elijah got back in formation as the song was ending. They stood in a line and delivered the last lyric. The crowd went crazy, holding their drinks in the air. Elijah wiped his forehead and laughed at the rest of the guys. He had missed this; singing always made him feel free.

  “How about another one?” Elijah asked the crowd.

  The overwhelming screams coming from the Cuffs and Stuff crowd let them know they were ready for more. Elijah lifted his hand and the lights went down again. He had to smile as the next song began.

  “Oh, come on!” Jesse bellowed from the bar.

  Elijah snickered. “Rock me!”

  Elijah stood next to Skylar with Stone on the other side as they began to sing One Direction’s ‘Rock Me.’

  Jaxon watched the patrons closely. They’d had a lot of new customers show up ever since the boys had started singing on the weekends. Jaxon found Jesse over by the bar and smiled at his little brother. He was bouncing behind the bar to the music. Their eyes met and Jesse scowled at him. Jaxon laughed and brought his attention back to the stage.

  Elijah looked absolutely beautiful in the lights; his face was full of excitement, and he sang like an angel. Jaxon felt a presence next to him and smiled. His soon-to-be-brother-in-law reeked of Jesse.

  “Hello, Noah.”

  “Hey, how’s it going with Elijah?”

  “Pretty damn good. You heard about today?”

  Noah King nodded. “Everyone’s on alert.”

  “Good, we need to be.”

  “Hey, you want to fuck with your brother?” Noah grinned.

  Jaxon looked sideways with a smile. “Always.”

  Jaxon’s attention was brought back to the stage as the song came to an end. The guys assured the crowd they’d be right back for one more song after they got a drink and caught their breaths. Jaxon kept his eye on Elijah as he came down from the stage. One of the newer patrons, Ted, was blocking Elijah’s way down to the floor. Jaxon began moving forward as a hand caught Elijah’s wrist and pulled him down.

  “Ow! You little fuck!”

  Jaxon sprang into the crowd and slid to a stop at Elijah’s side. Ted was on the floor gripping his balls.

  “I said don’t touch me.” Elijah knelt down. “I know you’re a little tipsy, but I’m just a tad too young for you.”

  “My fucking balls!” Ted wailed.

  “Be glad I didn’t hit you harder.” Elijah stood up and realized Jaxon was standing next to him. Not only that, but he looked ready to kill Ted. He pulled Jaxon down the hall and into the bathroom. “Are you okay?”

  “He shouldn’t be touching you!”

  “Hey,” Elijah took Jaxon’s hands. “I took care of him.”

  Jaxon took a deep breath and reeled in his anger. Elijah was smiling at him. Right then, he’d never looked so damned sexy.

  “Yeah, you did,” Jaxon chuckled.

  “No one touches me but you,” Elijah said softly.

  Jaxon’s pulse raced as those words hit home. He hadn’t lost Elijah. Jaxon touched Elijah’s cheek gently. He searched his eyes and saw the truth in them.

  “Jaxon?” Elijah whispered.

  The bathroom door opened and Jaxon stepped away. He suddenly realized they were in a bathroom. With urinals. How romantic.

  “Come on. I have a favor to ask you.”

  Once back out in the club, Jaxon took him over to the bar and ordered him a Dr Pepper. Elijah had immediately jumped on the favor he wanted just as Jaxon knew he would. Elijah sipped through the straw all while staring at him.

  “What?” Jaxon asked.

  Elijah shook his head. “I can’t just look at you?”

  Jaxon narrowed his eyes, staring right back.

  Elijah fidgeted.

  Jaxon smiled.


  “You’re glaring, you’re not admiring,” Elijah pointed out.

  Jaxon leaned against the bar and stuck his chin out. “Please admire me all you want.”

  “Nope, too late now. The moment’s gone.” Elijah jumped off the stool.

  “What?” Jaxon grabbed Elijah’s hand.

  “I have to go sing and embarrass your brother.”

  “Do a good job,” Jaxon snickered.

  “Always.” Elijah winked.

  Jaxon kept his eye on Elijah as he wove back through the crowd. He looked over his shoulder and grinned at PJ, the club owner.

  “Sorry about the boy bands.”

  “Pfft! Those boys could sing the phone book and these guys would go nuts,” PJ snorted.

  Jaxon chuckled and excused himself. He made his way back toward the front of the club as the boys took the stage again. Elijah stood out front and motioned to the other guys.

  “Okay, this one is another special song just for Jesse.”

  The music started and Jesse threw his hands up in the air.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake!” he balked.

  Noah chuckled as Elijah began singing Justin Bieber’s ‘As Long As You Love Me.’ He elbowed Jaxon. “He sounds really good.”

  “They all do. I love the name they came up with for their little boy band. Barely Legal? How funny is that?”

  “Don’t let them hear you call them a boy band,” Noah laughed. He sobered and regarded Jaxon. “You plan on taking him as yours on his birthday, don’t you?”


  “Good. It’s about damn time.” Noah shouldered Jaxon.

  The crowd erupted in applause and the guys all held hands and bowed. Jaxon waited at the bottom of the stairs for Elijah. As soon as Elijah hit the floor, he ushered him back to the bar. Scanning the club, he found Killian and Dane in the corner keeping their eyes out for potential danger. He nodded and Killian nodded back. Jaxon sought out Ryder and found him on the other side of the bar. Thankfully, he hadn’t seen Dane.

  They were there to keep watch.

  Nothing more.

  The door to the club swung open and the football players walked in. Jaxon noticed a change in the air immediately. It was charged as they approached Elijah and the rest of the guys. Elijah stiffened the closer they got, and Jaxon noticed Brock Holloway almost shiver and shake his hands out.

  “Hey guys!” Jordy waved at them,

  Jordy Crain, Brock, Lance Walker and Travis Rhoades were University of Washington football players. They’d come into the group through their friends and fellow players Wyatt Dalton and Sebastian Stevens, both werewolves. The football players didn’t know that little piece of info, though. They were children of the gods as well — also a secret.

  “Hey, Brock,” Elijah grinned.

  “How ya doin’ little man?” Brock ruffled Elijah’s hair.

  It seemed that any child of the gods was immune to the others’ powers. Probably a safety feature put in place by Gaea. They couldn’t have them all falling over each other. Especially since Brock was the child of Aphrodite. As it was, nine of the twelve Olympians now gathered in one room. The whole club seemed to be humming as they all stood around each other, shaking hands and shoulder bumping. Jaxon kept a close eye on Elijah, who seemed a little overwhelmed.

  “Do you need some air?” he asked.

  Elijah nodded.

  “Hey,” Jaxon leaned into Skylar’s ear. “Are you guys done for the night?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “Elijah seems a bit overwhelmed. I’m going to take him home.”

  “Okay.” Skylar grinned wickedly.

  “Just home, not to bed,” Jaxon sighed. “Sheesh!”

  Jaxon turned back and took Elijah’s hand. They exited the club to cool February air. Elijah shivered a bit and Jaxon removed his jacket from the saddlebag.

  “Here. Where’s yours?”

  “I didn’t think I’d need it.” Elijah pulled Jaxon’s jacket on and inhaled the delicious fragrance. “What kind of cologne do you wear?”

  “Eau de Jaxon,” Jaxon chuckled, swinging his leg over the bike. He patted the seat. “I don’t wear anything but soap.”

  “Really?” Elijah climbed on the back of the bike and wrapped his arms around Jaxon’s waist.

  “Why, do you?”

  “No. I don’t even shave,” Elijah laughed.

  “Lucky you.” Jaxon felt the stubble on his chin. He roared the bike to life and pulled out of the parking lot. “Shit, I forgot to ask if you were okay leaving.”

  “Well, you’re my bodyguard. I have to listen to you right?”

  Jaxon laughed. “Oh yeah, you have to.” Jaxon could hear the bark of Elijah’s laughter over his bike’s engine. They drove down Alaskan Way, just looking out over the Sound. The lights lit up the area beautifully and the full moon helped illuminate their surroundings.

  “You want to drive by the beach?” Jaxon shouted.


  Jaxon took the exit and rode towards Myrtle Edwards Park. He, Jesse and Justice had found it when they had first moved to Seattle. The bike trail was a little over a mile long, and they had walked it on nice days. He took his Harley on the bike path and looked out over the water. This was perfect. It felt so natural to be with Elijah. Why did it feel like Elijah was older already? He had always acted older than his years. Yes, he was a flirt, but no more so than Brock was — and Brock was almost twenty-two.

  Age was just a number; Jaxon had to smile at his own damn stupidity. Didn’t mean he was going to jump Elijah’s bones before he turned eighteen. Jaxon pulled off the trail and stopped by a rock formation. Well, rocks had been placed around each other. Elijah got off the back and jumped on top of one of the rocks overlooking Elliot Bay.

  “God, it’s so beautiful here,” he marveled.

  Jaxon climbed up on the rock and stared out across the water. Mount Rainier stood proud in the distance. Boats bobbed up and down, their lights a beacon for other boats.