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At Year's End (The 12 Olympians) Page 8
At Year's End (The 12 Olympians) Read online
Page 8
“It really is.”
Elijah turned to Jaxon. “You miss Arizona, don’t you?”
“I do.” Jaxon nodded. He turned to face Elijah and caressed his cheek. “But Seattle has something more important to me.”
Elijah swallowed hard and Jaxon swore he heard it. He cleared his throat and backed away.
“Well, it’s getting later and colder. I better get you back.”
“Okay,” Elijah muttered. God, for once, he could have sworn Jaxon was going to kiss him. Maybe he did need a boyfriend, someone to help him get over this damn obsession.
By the time they got home, it was close to two in the morning. Elijah jumped in the shower and cleaned the sweat and the club from his skin. Jaxon was in the downstairs bathroom doing the same, and all Elijah could think of was Jaxon’s naked, sexy body covered in soap bubbles.
“Ugh!” Elijah turned the water off and dried. Crawling into bed, he turned on his side and closed his eyes. A soft knock on his door had him sitting halfway up.
Jaxon cracked the door open. “Do you want me in here, or downstairs?”
“I have a choice?”
“Yes,” Jaxon grinned.
“Where do you want to be?” Elijah asked quietly.
Jaxon came in the room and shut the door softly behind him. He lifted the covers and crawled into bed with Elijah. Settling on his back, he pulled Elijah close to him.
“You smell good,” he breathed.
“So do you.” Elijah snuggled into Jaxon’s side and rested his head on Jaxon’s chest. The silver pendant shone in the miniscule light through the slit in the blinds. Elijah picked it up and turned it over in his fingers. It heated a bit and Elijah smiled. “It gets hot. How come?”
“Not sure.” Jaxon closed his eyes and pulled Elijah closer.
“Thanks for staying with me. For some reason I sleep a lot better with you here.”
“Me too, Elijah. Me too.”
Sunday’s rays peeked through the blinds, slanting across Jaxon’s eyes. He blinked a few times before holding his wrist up to his face. The time was noon. Noon? Damn, when had he ever slept that late?
Elijah’s warm body pressed into his and a soft sigh escaped from him as Jaxon ran his fingers through his hair. It was Sunday. Elijah would be eighteen on Friday. Elijah stirred, then opened one eye.
“Hey yourself.” Jaxon played with wisps of Elijah’s hair. “You look cute with bed head.”
“Yeah? So do you.”
Jaxon smiled and looked his fill of Elijah’s face. He’d never seen anything so beautiful in his life. Elijah’s brows furrowed and he narrowed his eyes.
“Why are you staring at me?”
“I’m admiring,” Jaxon chuckled. He grew serious and rose up on his elbow. “I want to take you somewhere today.”
“Okay. Where?”
“It’s a surprise.”
“Well, I’ll need to know what to wear.” Elijah tilted his head. “Are we going to be outside?”
“Just dress warm; it’s Seattle.”
“Ugh!” Elijah jumped out of bed and headed for the shower.
Jaxon chuckled. “I’ll meet you downstairs for breakfast.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Elijah waved his hand in the air.
“Big baby.”
An hour later, Elijah stood inside the Seattle Aquarium wearing a huge smile. Of all the places he’d always wanted to visit, this was it. His adoptive parents would never take him, even though he asked for it every birthday. The ‘Window on Washington Waters’ was huge — a 120,000-gallon exhibit replicating a seascape of Washington State and showcasing local fish and invertebrates. They had just missed the dive, but Elijah didn’t care.
He glanced over at Jaxon with a wide grin.
“How did you know?”
“I think when you talked about dolphins and orcas; it seemed as if you’d never been here. Was I right?”
Elijah nodded, looking around in awe. “Thank you so much for this, Jaxon.”
“You’re very welcome. It’s a crappy day outside; I figured why not do something fun?”
“I can think of things to do on a crappy day at home.” Elijah waggled his eyebrows.
Jaxon laughed. “Come on. We can just catch the feeding.”
Jaxon took Elijah’s hand. A startled Elijah almost tripped over his feet and looked up at him. Jaxon winked and pulled him along. They stood in the marine mammal’s exhibit watching the harbor seals.
“They’re so cute,” Elijah mused.
“Yeah? James said they like to eat their bait when he and Derek fish.”
“The otters are cute, too.”
“They are. Are you hungry?”
“Not yet, can we go see more stuff?”
Jaxon looked down with a grin. “We can do whatever you want.” Elijah got a wicked gleam in his eye and Jaxon clarified. “Here at the aquarium.”
Elijah pouted.
“Come on,” Jaxon laughed.
They spent the bulk of the day at the aquarium. Jaxon dragged Elijah to every exhibit. He hadn’t been there either, and it was just as fascinating to him. They stopped in the exhibit for the sixgill shark.
Jaxon tilted his head.
“That thing looks freaky.”
Elijah tilted his head in the other direction.
“Yep. Not cute.”
Jaxon looked around and smiled. “Hey, there’s one of those photo booth thingies.”
“Thingy?” Elijah chuckled.
“Come on.”
Jaxon pulled him towards the booth. He pushed the curtain aside and looked at the small bench. Sitting down, he scooted over so Elijah could sit down next to him. Jaxon put the money in and they both smiled, waiting for the camera.
“Did it go off?” Elijah said through his toothy smile.
“I didn’t hear it.”
They both leaned forward, squinting, when a bright flash went off. Jaxon laughed as the whirring noise of a camera filled the small space. Elijah was doubled over in laughter as the camera kept clicking. They exited the booth and waited for the pictures. A click came from the machine and then a small, thin strip of photos popped out. Jaxon had to laugh. The first one showed them both squinting at the lens, and then the next five were of them in various stages of laughter.
“Well, that’s a keeper.” Elijah pointed at the first picture.
“Uh huh.”
Jaxon chuckled at the pictures. He pulled Elijah gently to get him going and they made their way to the place to eat. All in all, it had been a great day. Jaxon checked his watch.
“Wow, four hours? Where did the time go?”
“Time flies when you’re having fun, right?” Elijah scanned the menu.
“You did seem to enjoy petting the sea cucumbers.”
“They felt weird, but cool.”
They ordered and Jaxon watched Elijah nibble on his sandwich.
“Are you not hungry?”
“There’s no bacon on it.’ Elijah scowled.
Jaxon laughed and leaned over to whisper. “We could always head by the sandwich shop.”
“Well, we’re done here, right?”
Jaxon stood up and put his hand out to Elijah. “Well, let’s go.”
By the time they got back to the house, it was well after six. Jaxon ushered Elijah through the front door and found the group settled in, watching a movie. Skylar was pressed close to Justice. Jaxon sighed. God, he couldn’t wait to be with Elijah like that every night.
“How was the day?” Justice asked from the couch.
“It was good. I took Elijah to the aquarium.” Jaxon helped Elijah out of his jacket. “Who knew being a bodyguard could be fun?”
Elijah stiffened and Jaxon leaned over to him. “Hey, are you okay?”
“Um, yeah, I just want to go to bed.”
“All right, I’ll come with you.”
“No, it’s okay. I’ll be fine tonight.”
Jaxon stood open-mouthed as Elijah ran up the stairs. He glanced over to see Justice looking troubled.
“What happened?” Justice asked.
“I don’t know; everything was fine.”
“Maybe you should go check on him?”
Jaxon nodded and took the stairs two at a time. He made his way down the hall to Elijah’s room and stood outside the door. He could hear Elijah sniffling. Knocking softly, he put his hand on the doorknob.
“Go away, please.”
Jaxon opened the door and peeked around it. Elijah was on his side with his back to him. Jaxon stepped in and shut the door softly behind him.
“Please go away,” Elijah whispered.
“What’s wrong?” Jaxon sat on the edge of the bed and ran his hand lightly over Elijah’s back. “Please, talk to me.”
Elijah rolled over and hastily wiped at his eyes. “I’m just a job to you.”
“Downstairs, you said you didn’t know being a bodyguard was so fun. I’m just a job to you.”
Jaxon moved toward Elijah on the bed.
“Sit up and look at me.”
Elijah sat up, but refused to meet his eyes. Jaxon lifted Elijah’s chin and searched his features.
“Do you really think this is just a job to me? I asked to be your bodyguard. There was no way in hell I was going to trust your safety to anyone else. I love spending time with you.”
“You do?”
“Of course I do. I’ve never had so much fun.”
“Really?” Elijah sat up more and studied Jaxon’s face. “Even though I made you watch that show?”
Jaxon rolled his eyes. “It’s such a hardship.”
“Ha! I knew you thought psycho bro was hot!” Elijah fell into a fit of laughter.
Jaxon took Elijah’s hand and squeezed it lightly. “So, are you okay?”
Elijah nodded.
“Good, now can I crawl in bed with you and watch TV?”
Elijah lifted the blankets.
“Thank you.” Jaxon went to get into bed and realized he was fully dressed. “Um, let me go brush my teeth and change?”
“’Kay.” Elijah grinned. “I’ll cue up the next episode.”
“It’s a date.” Jaxon winked and got up.
Elijah fell on his back in bed and let out a huge sigh. He’d been wrong. Thank God. Jaxon really did want to spend time with him. It wasn’t just a job. Elijah wrapped his arms around himself; he knew he was smiling. When he heard Jaxon say it was a fun ‘job,’ it had hurt more than he could explain.
The door opened and Jaxon came in, closing it behind him.
Elijah moved over to give Jaxon more room. He rolled to his side and gazed at Elijah.
“Are you admiring me again?” Elijah grinned.
“Do you think I’d be in this bed with you if it was just a job?”
“Um, I don’t know. The movie with Kevin Costner had him sleeping with Whitney Houston.”
Jaxon chuckled.
“You would bring that up.” Jaxon got comfortable and pulled Elijah close. “This isn’t just a job; don’t ever think that again. You’re very special to me, Elijah.”
“So you’d take a bullet for me?” Elijah joked.
Jaxon lifted Elijah’s face to his. “I will do whatever I have to do to keep you safe.”
Elijah swallowed hard. “Okay.”
“Good, now shush. Brooding brother is on.”
Elijah laughed.
~Chapter Seven~
Elijah sat in class, watching the clock. Well, he fidgeted in class, watching the clock. Caden and Kellan hadn’t arrived yet and they were already on the Gs. Granted, his last name began with an N, but he didn’t want the teacher to get to his name and still have no one there to represent him.
A snicker from his left was followed by a kick to his shin. Elijah hissed and rubbed his leg. Ashton Banks was smirking at him.
“Parents couldn’t make it today, Newman?”
Elijah scowled and faced the front of the class. The door opened and Elijah almost shouted and waved. Caden walked in, with Kellan right behind him. He breathed a huge sigh of relief as both of them sought him out in the class. He half waved and they made their way to the back.
“Hello, sorry we are late.” Caden kissed Elijah’s head.
“Yes, we were restrained by the crossing guard.” Kellan rolled his eyes.
“It’s cool, I’m just glad you’re here.”
“We wouldn’t have missed this,” Caden winked.
They sat in the back as other parents got up and explained their jobs. Elijah listened attentively; he had no clue what he’d be doing with his life. Just what did demons do for a living? Kill people? Elijah shuddered at the thought. There was no way in hell he’d make a good demon. Okay, so he was able to set stuff on fire — he didn’t know of a job that required that skill. Well, not off the top of his head. He was so lost in thought, he didn’t hear the teacher call his name. Elijah had to laugh as Kellan almost tripped Caden to get to the front of the room first.
“Had to hire parents, Elijah? That’s just so sad,” Ashton drawled.
“Elijah is my son in every way that matters, young man,” Caden hissed as he walked by. Elijah kept his head down and grinned.
Kellan was so excited about his job he practically glowed. Kids asked him all kinds of questions: Was it gross? Did he see dead people? Had he ever fainted? Was it hard to stick people with needles? Elijah shook his head with a laugh.
Caden was much more calm and reserved. Nothing seemed to faze him, and he answered all questions very concisely. Elijah stood up to clap and got an elbow to his back. He yelped and whirled around to see Ashton acting nonchalant.
“Is everything okay, Elijah?” his teacher asked.
“No, it is not okay.” Caden walked to the back of the room and stood over Ashton. “This boy just assaulted my son.”
“I did not!” Ashton spluttered.
“Yes, you did.” Caden motioned to the teacher. “I wish to see the headmaster.” He took Elijah’s hand. “Come on, Elijah. I do not want you near this boy.”
Kellan narrowed his eyes at the kid. “Touch him again and see what happens.”
Elijah walked between Caden and Kellan as they took the stairs to the headmaster’s office. He stopped in front of the office and shook his head.
“I forgot my books.”
“We will be right here speaking to your headmaster.”
“Okay, I’ll be right back.”
Elijah took the steps two at a time and ran to his locker. School was almost out and he wanted to avoid the heavy hallway crush. He grabbed his books and backpack from his locker and shut the door, twirling the lock. Turning to head back, he ran right into Cal.
“Hey! What are you doing here?”
“I’ve been trying to get a hold of you, but it keeps saying your number is no longer in service. I went by your house, too, but it was empty. What’s going on?”
“Oh,” Elijah blushed. “I moved out and got a new phone.”
“I wanted to ask what you were doing for your birthday.”
“Oh, I’m not sure yet. I think the guys have something planned, but they won’t tell me.”
“Well, give me your new number; that way I can call you and find out.”
“Um,” Elijah fidgeted. Jaxon had said absolutely not to give it out to anyone except the guys. “I have your number, I’ll call you.”
Cal visibly bristled and then his face contorted. Elijah stepped back as Cal advanced on him.
“Give me the phone, Elijah.”
“What is wrong with you?” Elijah looked around in a panic. Cal pulled out his cell phone and pushed a button.
Carl hissed a
s Elijah finally succumbed to the tone from his phone. He looked up and down the hall, and then dragged Elijah down the hall towards the football field. A kid came out of the bathroom and stood stock still, staring at him.
“What the fuck are you looking at?” Carl snarled.
“Where are you going with Elijah?”
“What do you care?” Carl kept walking. What was with nosy kids?
“His parents are here and looking for him.”
Carl swung around and glared at the kid. “What’s your name?”
“Well, Ashton, I suggest you keep your nose out of this or you’ll know a world of hurt.”
“Between you and them, I’m more scared of them, dude.” Ashton began walking behind them. “What’s wrong with Elijah?”
“Are you still here?” Carl dropped Elijah to the floor and grabbed Ashton by his football jersey. “Stay. Out. Of. My. Face.”
Carl inhaled sharply and leaned into Ashton’s face. He searched his eyes and grinned.
“Well hello, little one. You must be covered by the cloaking spell.”
“You’re fucking crazy!” Ashton tried to wiggle loose.
“I don’t have time for you right now.”
Carl threw Ashton across the hall and picked Elijah back up. He walked faster now, mumbling to Elijah as he did. Damn Jaxon Salvatore! Changing Elijah’s phone number and moving him out. Stupid rogue parents. Carl stiffened as a scent traveled down the hall.
The anger-infused testosterone level from Jaxon Salvatore was overwhelming.
“Shit and fuck!” Carl bent to Elijah and whispered in his ear. He hoped his cloaking spell worked or he was screwed. Closing his eyes, he recited the incantation and began to walk toward the doors that led outside.
“I smell you!” Jaxon roared.
Carl dropped Elijah and began to run in earnest, reciting another incantation. Praying it worked, he ran right for the doors just as Jaxon rounded the hall. Carl almost stopped, he might be able to take Jaxon — might — but using black magic weakened his physical strength. Two more scents carried down the hall and Carl gave up his idea of fighting. Caden Fournier and his husband were running down the hall.