At Year's End (The 12 Olympians) Read online

Page 2

  “Yeah, just needed to clear my head.”

  “And blow shit up,” Zack snickered.

  “Yeah, what he said.” Jaxon closed his eyes. “I told James I had myself under control. He says he’ll be paying extra attention.” Jaxon rolled his eyes.

  “Did you figure out what you were going to do about Elijah?” Justice asked quietly.

  “Yeah. I did.” Jaxon opened his eyes and stared at his brother. “I’m going to make him mine.”

  ~*Chapter Two*~

  Elijah swore the second hand was moving backwards. When would this damn class be over? He’d taken Spanish all four years of high school and still didn’t know shit. Well, that wasn’t true. He could say he was thirsty, had to take a leak and that the sky was beautiful. Yes, all these things would get him by in Mexico or Spain.

  Elijah snorted, and then straightened when his Spanish teacher eyed him suspiciously. For once, his phone wasn’t in his hand so he just smiled. His teacher was famous for taking away cell phones if you had them during class.

  Right now, he was panicked about his next class. It was college days and his teacher wanted the students to bring in at least one parent who had attended college. Elijah knew his adoptive father wouldn’t come — he never had. In fact, neither one of them had shown up for any school functions.

  Two seats ahead of him, Stone Marinos turned back to wink at him and counted down the last seconds of class. The bell rang and Elijah made a run for the door.

  “Oh, Elijah?” his teacher called.

  Elijah scowled and walked to the front of the class. Mrs. Lopez was a tiny little thing, with black hair and equally black eyes. Her teeth were white as snow, though, and it was kinda scary sometimes.

  “Si?” Elijah grinned.

  “You barely passed your last test, Elijah. You’re usually texting in class, or sleeping. Is everything okay at home?”

  Elijah almost laughed out loud. Well, wasn’t that a loaded question? Hell no, things were not okay. This recent test would be his undoing with his adoptive parents.

  “Yep. It’s all good in the hood, Mrs. L,” Elijah smiled.

  “You are so much smarter than this, Elijah. I know you are.”

  Elijah had to smile. Mrs. Lopez wasn’t really all that bad; at least she cared about her students.

  “I’ll try harder next time, okay?”

  “Si.” She winked.

  “Adios!” Elijah threw over his shoulder as he walked out.

  Stone was waiting for him in the hallway, along with Ryder Winters. They were all supposed to go to Skylar Foxx’s house to rehearse songs for the club. Though they were underage, the owner of Cuffs and Stuff regularly scheduled the guys for karaoke night. They had filled in one night when there was no DJ and that was that. They were a huge draw — heavily protected from over-enthusiastic patrons and strictly forbidden anywhere near liquor.

  Elijah pulled his phone out of his pocket and Stone slammed his hand down on top of it.

  “No! Don’t you dare turn it on!”

  “What the hell?” Elijah pulled his hand back.

  “No.” Ryder crossed his arms. “I swear to God, every time you turn that thing on it does nothing but chime that annoying ringtone and then you’re on it for hours. Just put it away for a couple hours for us, okay?”

  Elijah frowned.

  “Pleeeease?” Stone batted his eyelashes.

  Elijah sighed in mock frustration. “Okay, fine!”

  “That’s our boy!” Ryder clapped him on his back.

  Stone and Ryder were two of his best friends who also went to high school with him. The three of them stuck together as often as possible. Dasan Black was another friend who went to the school.

  Although the school had come a long way since Skylar attended it, there was still the occasional bullying of gay students.

  Elijah began walking to his locker and Stone and Ryder fell in step with him. Dasan was already at his locker, grabbing his books. Elijah grinned at the other young man. Dasan lived with Hayden Cox and Jude Brooks. Elijah didn’t know the whole story, but Dasan’s parents had died and left him a fortune. Now, Hayden and Jude were adoptive parents to him, having recently signed the papers to make him their legal son.

  Elijah sighed. God how he wished his own adoptive parents cared that much. Or at all. He hated them. They constantly picked on him for one ridiculous reason or another, and Elijah’s patience was wearing thin — which meant his “issue” was becoming problematic.

  That little “issue” came in the way of stuff kind of suddenly catching on fire. He really wished he could talk to someone about it. Maybe Skylar? It turned out that Skylar Foxx was a child of Poseidon. How cool was that!? Elijah had always believed in fairy tale shit — werewolves, vampires, shape shifters, witches and warlocks. You name it, he believed in it. Maybe it was his need to believe that something better had to be out there for him.

  Elijah frowned. But what if he wasn’t a good whatever he was? What if he was a demon or something?

  Elijah grabbed his pack and began walking outside with the others, picking his thoughts up again. For months, a large wolf had been in his yard every night. He’d only spoken to it once; after that, it seemed to hide out.

  Great, now he couldn’t even keep animals. Elijah sighed and reached for his phone. He got a soft growl from Dasan and a stern glare from Stone.

  “Fine!” Elijah dropped the phone in his backpack. “Happy now?”

  “Yup.” Stone grinned and resumed walking. He stopped halfway down the stairs and smiled. “Well, well, Elijah. Seems you have a different ride home today.”

  Elijah glanced up and almost tripped. Jaxon Salvatore was sitting across the street on his Harley. Acid-washed jeans covered his long legs, accentuated by black boots and a black shirt hidden by a black bomber jacket.

  All Elijah could see, however, was Jaxon strutting his stuff in a blue jock strap. Ever since the striptease fundraiser Jaxon and other men had participated in, he’d been jacking off to that vision. Well, and he’d bought the DVD.

  “Oh, fuck,” Elijah muttered.

  He was not prepared to deal with Jaxon right now. In fact, he hadn’t seen him in a while. Jaxon slid off his bike and moved toward them. The hair on the back of Elijah’s neck rose. What was it about Jaxon Salvatore that he just couldn’t shake? From the moment he’d met the man at Camp Pride, he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him. He felt such a strong pull, one he couldn’t break free of even if he tried — and God knows he didn’t want to try.

  Jaxon Salvatore was his. He just was.

  “Hey, Elijah,” Jaxon grinned.

  “God, that smile,” Dasan mumbled.

  Elijah elbowed him. “Get your own.”

  Stone laughed.

  “Um, hi.” Elijah stood still as Jaxon took the steps two at a time until he stood right in front of him. Elijah peered up through his lashes.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but Caden sent me to get you.”


  “Yep. He said he overheard that you wanted a leather jacket for your birthday? I’m here to take you to the mall.”

  “But my birthday isn’t until next Friday.”

  “Well, Caden wanted to make sure you got something you really wanted. He’d be here, but he got a call at the last minute from investors.” Jaxon put his hand out. “So? You want to go?”

  “Sure he does!” Stone pushed Elijah into Jaxon.

  Elijah almost fell over, but a strong hand held him up by his bicep. Jaxon’s scent drifted up Elijah’s nostrils and went straight to his balls. His dick lengthened and hardened on contact. Elijah tried to back away, covering his crotch with his backpack. Jaxon pulled him in even closer and leaned down into his face. Elijah’s breath hitched as Jaxon’s eyes locked on his.

  “So? Yes or no?”

  “Yes?” Elijah squeaked.

  “Okay then, cool.”

  Elijah turned to eye his friends. “So we’ll catch up at Skylar’s?”

  “Yep.” Ryder nodded with a wicked wink. “Skylar’s going to pick you up at seven thirty.”

  A warm hand slid into his and then pulled him forward. Elijah looked over his shoulder as Jaxon led him down the steps to the street. Stone was waggling his eyebrows and Dasan was grinning like a maniac. He narrowed his eyes at them.

  “Where’s your jacket?”

  Elijah snapped his attention back to Jaxon. Caden had bought him a very warm down jacket a few months back, but it had mysteriously disappeared from his locker. He was sure the football players had broken into his locker.

  “Um, I don’t know.”

  “What do you mean you don’t know?” Jaxon removed his jacket and took Elijah’s backpack. “Here, wear this. It’s cold out.”

  “Won’t you be cold, though?” Elijah’s eyes drifted to the muscle T-shirt Jaxon wore. His bare arms were covered in tattoos.

  “Nope,” Jaxon smiled straddling his bike. “I’m hot-blooded.”

  Jaxon handed him a helmet and Elijah slipped it on. Pulling his backpack over his shoulders, he straddled Jaxon’s hips with his thighs and wrapped his arms around him. He’d been on the back of Jaxon’s bike before, but this time was different. Jaxon’s back warmed his chest and the distinctive smell of aftershave or cologne rose off Jaxon’s skin. Damn but he smelled delicious.

  “Hang on,” Jaxon called over his shoulder.

  Elijah closed his eyes as the bike moved forward. Jaxon’s body pressed to his was doing things to his lower extremities. He hoped Jaxon couldn’t feel his hardened dick on his back. As often as he tried to stop thinking about Jaxon, it never worked. The minute the man was anywhere near him, he’d lose any ounce of self-control he had. And right now, on the back of Jaxon’s bike with his arms wrapped around the man of his dreams, he was losing control.

  His fingers heated as his body began a familiar tingling. Oh God, no. Not here. Not now. Elijah squeezed his eyes shut and tried to gain control over his overactive libido.

  “Everything okay?” Jaxon shouted over the sound of his Harley.

  “Yeah, sure!” Elijah took deep breaths. I hope.

  The mall came into view a few minutes later and Elijah exhaled in relief. Jaxon pulled into a space and cut the engine. Elijah slipped off the back of the bike and tried to wrap Jaxon’s oversized jacket around himself to hide his arousal. Jaxon didn’t seem to notice and Elijah walked quickly toward the entrance. Jaxon fell into step with him and Elijah tried to keep his eyes straight ahead.

  “Are you okay?” Jaxon asked.

  “Huh? Oh, yeah. Just thinking.”

  “Want to tell me what you’re thinking?” Jaxon elbowed Elijah playfully.

  “Um, sure. Let’s get the shopping done first.”

  “Okay, are you hungry? We can get some food, too.”


  They entered the mall and Elijah followed Jaxon. They passed a few stores that Elijah could only imagine shopping in and then Jaxon pulled him into one. Elijah stood in the middle of the store, inhaling the scent of leather. He’d always wanted a leather jacket, but could never afford it. As it was, he barely got new clothes. Apparently, his adoptive parents felt he could do with what he had. Most of his clothing came from the Goodwill. He didn’t mind it; a lot of the stuff was actually cool. He’d never been one to wear labels anyway.

  Elijah caught his reflection in one of the mirrors and his eyes widened in horror. His hair was askew, sticking up all over. He ran his hands through it, trying to calm it.

  “It looks good like that.”

  Elijah turned to see Jaxon smiling at him.

  “Oh really?”

  “Yep.” Jaxon nodded, running his fingers through Elijah’s hair.

  Elijah almost closed his eyes. God, but Jaxon’s hands on him anywhere felt good. He cleared his throat and stepped back a bit. “So, um, jackets?”

  “Right over there, along that wall,” Jaxon pointed.

  Elijah moved forward, eyeing all the leather jackets. He ran his hands over the softness of the suede ones. He noticed a black leather jacket hanging off by itself. He grabbed it, slipped off Jaxon’s and slipped it on. It fit him like a glove and the smell was intoxicating. Who knew leather could smell so good?

  “Looks good on you. Now all you need is some nice black jeans and a pair of biker boots.” Jaxon eyed Elijah in the jacket. “It suits you.”

  Elijah grabbed the price tag hanging from the sleeve and frowned. “I can’t get it.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s way too expensive.”

  Jaxon snorted and helped Elijah take off the jacket. He started walking toward the cashier.

  “Caden knew you’d say that. Too bad. He wants you to have the jacket, so no arguing. He also said you’re getting a new wardrobe.”

  Elijah almost tripped over his feet. “What?!”

  “Did you really think Caden would stop at a jacket? He loves you — he adores you.”

  Elijah swallowed hard and tried to hold back the tears he knew were making their way to the surface.

  “He doesn’t have to do that,” he whispered.

  “No, he doesn’t. He wants to. He knows your parents don’t do jack shit for you and, if he could, he’d take you out of that house right now. So would I,” Jaxon added.

  “Really?” Elijah stared down at his shoes. Fingers tucked under his chin and gently pulled his face up. Elijah met Jaxon’s eyes.

  “Yes, really. I think we are all counting down the days to your birthday. We can’t wait to move you out of there.”

  “You’re…you’re going to move me out?”

  “What did you think would happen? That any of us would allow you to stay in that house a minute longer than you legally had to? Look, I don’t know what happens there —”

  Okay, so he was lying just a bit. Jaxon had an idea that Elijah’s adoptive parents were world-class assholes. He was also pretty damn sure that they were hurting Elijah, as well as some other kids from school.

  “The second you turn eighteen, a moving truck will be there, along with a few burly men.”

  “Will you be one of those burly men?” Elijah grinned.

  “You bet your ass I will be.” Jaxon pulled Elijah forward. “Now come on, we have a lot more shopping to do.”

  For the next two hours, Jaxon dragged Elijah from one store to the other. He was shopping in every store he’d ever stared into through the display windows. He honestly didn’t care what his clothes looked like, as long as he was warm.

  Jaxon made him try everything on, and then gave him a thumbs up on most of the selections. Elijah grinned as he waited in line for food. Jaxon had gone to the ATM to get money for lunch while Elijah held their place in line. He was looking into his bag of jeans when he was pushed into the wall next to him. His bags fell at his feet as his shoulder met with the wall.

  “Hey, Newman. I didn’t think you had enough money to shop here. Goodwill closed today?”

  Elijah scowled and picked up his bags. “Leave me alone, asshole. I mean Ashton.” Elijah grinned. Ashton Banks was one of the bigger football players. Somehow, Elijah had pissed him off just by breathing. He was pretty sure Ashton was the one who had his jacket, too.

  “What did you call me, you little shit? I don’t see any of your gay buddies here to help you. So I’ll do whatever the fuck I want.”

  Elijah cringed as Ashton raised a hand to him.


  Elijah’s head snapped up to see Jaxon glaring at Ashton, his hand wrapped around Ashton’s wrist. Jaxon jerked his head toward Elijah. “Are you okay?”

  Elijah nodded. He stood up as Ashton tried to wriggle free of Jaxon.

  “Dude, let go of me!”

  Jaxon leaned into the kid’s face with a feral grin. A low growl escaped his throat. “I see you touch him again — or even hear of it — and I swear I’ll cripple your stupid ass.”

  “You’re crazy!”

  Jaxon smiled wide. “Do I look like a
people person? Get the fuck out of here.” He gave him a shove to start him on his way.

  Elijah had to chuckle as Ashton tripped, face planting on the tile of the food court.

  “Oops!” Jaxon chuckled. He turned to Elijah and eyed him from head to toe. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, thanks for that. I’ve tried to fight him off before…” Elijah shrugged. “I’m just not strong enough.”

  “Well, you’re not puny. I can work with you if you want.”

  “Really? You’d do that?”

  “Sure,” Jaxon shrugged. “Why not?”

  “Um, okay.” Elijah turned to look up at the menu board. “What are you having?”

  “Probably garlic chicken. It’s my favorite.”

  Elijah turned slowly. “Are you serious?”

  “Of course.”

  “Next thing you’ll say is you have an unnatural obsession with bacon,” Elijah blurted.

  Jaxon’s eyes widened. “How did you know?”

  Elijah’s jaw dropped.

  “You, too?” Jaxon laughed.

  Elijah snickered.

  “Come on, let’s get you fed. You look ready to drop.”

  They ordered and took a seat at a table. Elijah dug into his food and almost moaned. Even though it was food court food, it was really good. Jaxon seemed to like his just as much, shoveling it in as fast as he could with chopsticks. Elijah could never master them, but it looked so cool.

  “How do you do that?” Elijah motioned to the sticks.

  “You don’t know how?”

  Elijah shook his head.

  Jaxon grabbed a set from the tray and unwrapped them. He took Elijah’s hand. The warmth from Elijah’s hand traveled through his body, warming him instantly. Jaxon concentrated and helped Elijah hold the sticks properly.

  “There, now move the sticks back and forth, then try to pick up a piece of chicken.”

  Elijah held the sticks between his fingers and grabbed a piece of chicken. He almost had it to his lips before it slid out and landed back in his rice. Elijah pouted and was startled to hear a soft laugh from Jaxon.

  “Keep practicing. You’ll get it.”

  “Yeah, well I may starve to death before I get it.”