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At Year's End (The 12 Olympians) Page 3
At Year's End (The 12 Olympians) Read online
Page 3
“I would never let that happen.”
Elijah locked eyes with Jaxon and licked his lips nervously. They’d gone out before, for ice cream once, and another time just for some soda, but now he was all alone with Jaxon Salvatore and he found he couldn’t speak properly. Elijah coughed slightly and lowered his eyes back to his plate, attempting to get another piece of chicken. This time he lowered his head and caught the chicken before it slid out.
“So, I’ll just eat with a crick in my neck,” he joked.
“Don’t worry, you’ll eventually get it.” Jaxon glanced over his shoulder. “How about ice cream?”
“Okay, sure.”
“Let me guess, waffle cone with rocky road ice cream?”
Elijah pursed his lips. “There is nothing wrong with rocky road.”
“God, that’s so boring,” Jaxon teased. “I’ll be right back.” Jaxon turned at the last second and leaned over Elijah. “I’ll be watching, okay? No one’s going to hurt you on my watch.”
Elijah nodded. Jaxon turned back toward the ice cream shop and Elijah almost drooled over the man’s fine ass. Damn, but Jaxon Salvatore had it going on. He managed to slip some more food into his mouth before Jaxon came back with their ice cream. Elijah’s eyes widened at the banana split Jaxon carried in his hand. The thing was a massive mound of whipped cream, nuts and sprinkles.
“Jesus! Where do you put all that?”
Jaxon scooped some whipped cream off the top. He leaned over and flicked some of it on Elijah’s nose.
“You know you want some,” Jaxon whispered huskily.
Elijah forced his mouth to stay closed. Holy shit. Yeah he wanted some, and not the ice cream. Why did it seem as if Jaxon was flirting with him? Was he? Elijah grabbed a napkin and wiped the whipped cream from his nose.
“And you call me a kid,” he muttered.
Jaxon grinned. “You’re not though, are you? It seems like you’ve had to grow up pretty fast.”
Elijah nodded, licking his ice cream. “I had to learn to take care of myself at a very early age. I learned how to do my own laundry, cook my own meals and wake up on my own for school. Things have been much easier since camp, though. I made a lot of good friends and Skylar and Ryder are kind of like my big brothers.”
“You’re very talented as well,” Jaxon pointed out. “You have a gorgeous voice.”
“You think so?” Elijah licked the ice cream that was sliding down his cone. He swore he heard a groan from Jaxon. When their eyes met, he saw something in Jaxon’s — probably the same thing that shone in his.
Jaxon cleared his throat and swallowed another bite of banana split. He loaded the spoon again and reached across the small table.
“Take a bite.”
Elijah eyed the whipped cream-covered banana. Sprinkles were sliding off the spoon along with what looked like caramel. His stomach turned over and he shook his head.
“Oh come on.” Jaxon wiggled the spoon a little bit. “At least try it.”
Jaxon thrust the spoon a little closer and Elijah’s lips parted. Jaxon slid the spoon in and watched Elijah’s lips close over the spoon. He inwardly groaned at the sight and smiled when Elijah made a noise of approval.
“Good?” he asked.
“Yes, I didn’t think it would be, but somehow, that mess is good,” Elijah chuckled.
“Ha!” Jaxon cackled.
Elijah shook his head with a smile. “Again, and I’m the child?”
Jaxon sobered and regarded Elijah seriously. “Can I ask you something?”
“What happened on New Year’s Eve?”
Elijah’s brows furrowed. “Okay, you’ll have to be more specific.”
Jaxon reclined in the chair and searched Elijah’s eyes. “Are you serious? You know, at ten seconds to midnight?”
Elijah stared at him dumbly.
“You really don’t know?” Jaxon sat forward now. This was not good. “You don’t remember New Year’s?”
“Am I missing something?”
Jaxon’s jaw dropped. That night he’d finally gotten up the courage to find Elijah at midnight and kiss him. Okay, so it would have been a peck, but still…
“You’re telling me you don’t remember New Year’s Eve?”
“I was at home by myself. Did I miss something?”
Jaxon slumped in the chair. Oh, this was really not good.
“What’s the last thing you remember about that night?”
Elijah pondered the question. “Um, Skylar called and asked me to help out at the club but my guardians said I couldn’t go. I stayed home and watched the ball drop on TV.”
Jaxon felt dread pool in his gut. Elijah had blurted that out as if he was reading it from note cards. He almost opened his mouth to ask about Elijah’s boyfriend, but Elijah hadn’t brought it up and Jaxon wasn’t in the mood to discuss the man who had captured Elijah’s attention.
“What’s this all about, Jaxon?”
“It’s nothing. I’m sorry.” Jaxon checked his watch. “We still have time to get some shoes.”
Elijah blinked at Jaxon’s swift change of demeanor. “Did I upset you?”
“No, I’m okay.” Jaxon stood up and dropped his banana split in the trash. He’d lost his appetite.
After buying four pairs of shoes — Elijah wouldn’t let him get any more than that — they left for Caden’s office. They made quite a sight rumbling down the streets on the Harley with shopping bags looped over their arms, flapping in the breeze.
“You really need a car,” Elijah managed through his laughter as he tried to tuck a bag closer.
“The bike makes me look more badass,” Jaxon shouted back.
“Oh yeah — nothing says ‘badass’ like a man who can shop!”
Jaxon could feel Elijah convulse with laughter behind him and smiled. But his brain was working overtime. Elijah didn’t remember a damn thing about New Year’s Eve at the club. Elijah snuggled into his back and wrapped his arms around him tighter. Jaxon warmed at the contact and almost closed his eyes at how good it felt. His feelings for Elijah were getting stronger; he’d have to be careful.
They pulled into the parking lot at Caden’s office and Jaxon helped Elijah off the bike, stowing his helmet. They walked to the entrance and Jaxon flashed his badge at the guard out front. He got a nod and Elijah got an easy smile from the man. Jaxon held the door open for Elijah and they walked through the spacious lobby.
“You’ve been here a lot?” Jaxon asked as he pushed the elevator button.
“Well, yeah, I guess. Our studio is here. We practice a lot at Skylar’s too, though. We usually come here when we want to record something; it sounds so much better.”
“Have you? Recorded something, I mean?”
The doors opened and they both stepped on.
“Yeah, but it needs work.”
“I’d love to hear it sometime.”
Jaxon turned to face Elijah and took his hand.
“Of course.”
Elijah’s big blue peepers were glued to Jaxon’s mouth, and God help him he wanted to taste those lips. Jaxon coughed slightly and backed away an inch or two. He only had a week, and then Elijah would be legal and he could take him as his.
“Do you, um, like me?”
Jaxon opened his mouth only to be interrupted by the dinging of the elevator alerting them that they had arrived on their floor. Elijah sighed as they stepped off, and Jaxon’s eyes strayed to the teen’s perfect ass in jeans. They made their way to Caden’s office and Jaxon knocked once.
“Come in!” Caden’s voice sing-songed from behind the door.
Jaxon opened the door and stepped inside with Elijah right behind him.
“Ah! There is the birthday boy!” Caden stood up and quickly rounded his desk. Pulling Elijah into his arms, he kissed his head. “Did you have fun shopping? I am so
sorry I could not be there.”
“I did, but you didn’t have to do all that, Caden.”
“Oh, but I did! You need to know how much you are loved and wanted! Come, show me what you bought.”
Caden’s husband, Kellan, came out of the bathroom and grinned at Elijah with Caden.
“So, we bought lots and lots of stuff?” Kellan eyed Jaxon.
“Yep. I made him shop.” Jaxon put his hands on his hips.
Kellan crossed the room and peered into the shopping bags. “I love it. I can’t wait to see you in all this.” He reached over and pulled Elijah into a side hug.
Elijah stared at the two men. He’d never met anyone like them. Between Riley Esposito, Wayne Maccon and Caden Fournier, Elijah was learning that family didn’t necessarily mean blood ties. Caden and Kellan were like fathers to him. Elijah bit his lip and peered up at the two of them.
“Can I ask a favor?”
“You may ask whatever you want!” Caden clapped his hands and sat down on the couch. “Please, what do you need?”
“Well, it’s um, college days at school next week and I was hoping that one of you would come be my parent for the day? They want some of the parents to come and explain why college is so important.”
“I would love to come!” Caden smiled.
“Excuse me?” Kellan planted his hands on his hips and glared at his husband. “I’m an EMT.”
“I’m a billionaire,” Caden deadpanned.
“My job is more exciting,” Kellan shot back.
“I make more money.”
Elijah’s head bounced from Caden to Kellan as they one-upped each other. He cleared his throat and raised his hand. “You could both come?”
“I like this idea!” Caden grabbed Kellan and pulled him into his lap. “You know I love what you do.”
“You just love playing doctor/ patient.”
Elijah’s nose twitched. “Ew. Okay, not a visual I needed.”
“No shit,” Jaxon sighed.
“On that note,” Kellan became serious. “Did you get your cap and gown paperwork?”
“Oh, yeah, it’s at home. You guys really don’t have to…”
“Yes we do,” Caden growled. “You should have a cap and gown, and a yearbook. I do not understand your guardians!”
“Join the club.” Elijah slumped against the couch.
“I am excited for your birthday,” Caden enthused.
“So am I,” Jaxon muttered. The room became deathly quiet and Jaxon glanced up. Caden’s eyes were narrowed at him and Elijah’s mouth hung open. Kellan was grinning.
“So, with that…” Caden rose from the couch and shot Jaxon a glare as he went around his desk and glanced at his calendar. “What day is the college day, Elijah?”
“Um, Monday? Is that okay?”
“I shall clear my calendar.” Caden winked at him.
“I’ll switch with Jude if I work that day. We’ll be there, Elijah.”
Elijah stood and smiled. “I knew I could count on you guys.”
“You always can.” Caden took Elijah into his arms and held him tight. “We will be there for you, no matter what.”
Elijah squeezed his eyes shut. His throat began to close up, and tears loomed behind his eyes.
“Thank you,” he whispered.
“Anything for you.” Kellan tousled Elijah’s hair.
Caden turned his attention to Jaxon. “You will make sure Elijah gets home?”
Jaxon pursed his lips. “Of course.”
“I will walk you out.” Caden took Elijah’s hand.
Jaxon stood back as they left the office. He turned to Kellan. “What was that?”
“Caden is very protective of Elijah,” Kellan answered.
“Yeah? So am I,” Jaxon growled. “Caden should know I only have the best intentions with Elijah.”
“Oh, he knows.” Kellan strode by Jaxon. “He just loves riling you up.”
“Asshole,” Jaxon mumbled.
Kellan laughed.
Jaxon sighed as Elijah’s house came into view. Dropping him off there wasn’t something he enjoyed. Thankfully, Elijah would be eighteen soon enough and they could get him out of there. He pulled up alongside the curb and cut the engine. Elijah was sliding off and Jaxon grabbed his hand.
“Do me a favor, will you?” he asked.
“Just text me later and let me know you’re okay?” Jaxon pulled Elijah a bit closer when he lowered his eyes. “What is it?”
“I don’t have your number,” he whispered.
Jaxon’s mouth opened in astonishment. “I gave it to you, don’t you remember?” Jaxon put his hand out. “Let me see your phone.”
Elijah grabbed his backpack and took the phone from the outer pocket. He handed it to Jaxon with a small smile. Jaxon turned the phone on and it immediately began chiming. He turned the volume off and scrolled through Elijah’s contacts. Sure enough, his number wasn’t there. What the fuck? Jaxon typed in his cell number and email address. He handed the phone back to Elijah and pulled his own phone out. Scrolling through his contacts, he stopped on Newman, Elijah.
“Look, you’re in mine.”
Elijah took the phone from his hand and stared at the screen.
“How did you get my number?”
“I put it in my phone when we went to get ice cream. And I put mine in yours. Don’t you remember?”
Elijah’s brows furrowed and the sensation in Jaxon’s gut became more pronounced. Something was very wrong with Elijah.
“Promise you’ll call me, okay?”
“I promise.”
“Do you want me to take you over to Skylar’s?”
“Um, no, that’s okay. I actually have to get a little studying done. I have a Spanish quiz coming up.”
Elijah turned to walk up the path then stopped. He turned back to Jaxon with a smile. “Hey, thanks for today.”
“Any time, Elijah.” Jaxon went to start his bike then stopped. “Elijah?”
“I do like you.” Jaxon had to grin as a look of complete happiness etched across Elijah’s face. “Bye.”
Elijah waited until Jaxon had turned the corner before letting out a whoop and pumping his fist in the air. He’d spent hours with Jaxon! Elijah practically floated into the house. He ran up the stairs and hid his bags in the back of his closet. Heading back down, he peeked into the kitchen before daring to walk in and opened the fridge. Old leftovers spilled out of plastic tubs and the smell was disgusting. Elijah’s nose wrinkled as he took out the week-old — or more — leftovers and began to throw them out.
Milk way past its due date perched in the door, along with something that looked like orange juice. At this point, he was glad he’d eaten at the mall. After throwing all the bad food out, Elijah scanned what was left.
A door slam in the driveway made him jump. He closed the fridge and ran to the couch, grabbing his Spanish book. His guardian, the one called Bob, entered the house and threw him a disgusted look. Two seconds later, the witch named Paris strolled in right behind him. Elijah pretended to study his book as the two of them rifled through the kitchen.
“Elijah!” Bob boomed.
“Where are the damn pork chops that were in here?”
“You mean the ones from last month? I threw them out, they had mold on them.”
“You did what?!”
Elijah cringed on the couch as both of his guardians came into the living room. Paris had a piece of paper in her hand and Elijah’s eyes widened as he saw the letterhead. It was from the school.
“A ‘D’ in Spanish, eh? What happened to all the tutoring you were getting?”
Elijah eyed the two of them. Cal had been helping him somewhat in Spanish.
“It’s a hard class,” he said.
“Pfft!” Paris snarled. “We don’t pay for you to go to that school to fail.”
nbsp; “You don’t pay for me to go to that school. Caden does.”
The slap to his face stung and Elijah covered his head immediately. The barrage of hits just kept coming and he rolled to the floor trying to protect his mid-section. The sound of his phone from far away was the last thing he heard.
Carl threw the door open and stormed in. He glared at the two rogues.
“What the fuck are you doing!?” he thundered. Why Petey ever thought these two would make good — or convincing — surrogate parents he had yet to figure out.
“The little shit has a mouth on him,” Bob growled.
Carl crossed the room and threw Bob into the wall. He turned on Paris and revealed his long canines. She shrank back into the corner and mumbled under her breath.
“What was that?” Carl hissed between clenched teeth.
“Damn right it’s nothing! Are you two that stupid? What if someone sees those bruises? You don’t think Jaxon Salvatore is going to figure out what the hell you are? As it is, he’s up Elijah’s ass! You are going to ruin everything.”
Carl paced the floor and then knelt down to check Elijah’s pupils. “He’s under. Now, what did he do today?”
Carl closed his eyes and fought for sanity as both rogues shrugged their shoulders.
“I have to plant memories in his head and you have no idea what he did today? Now I have to make up some shit as to why he’s bruised! Stupid fucks!”
“Why don’t you just take him now?” Bob muttered.
“Because I’m not done fucking with his head, that’s why. When I’m finished, he’s going to think he’s dangerous, that his friends will never understand — and the best part? He’s going to think fucking Jaxon Salvatore wants him dead.”
“He’s already well into his powers, Carl. What if he fries one of us?” Paris demanded.
“It would serve you right, then! You’ve known all along that he came into his powers at eighteen. We had to keep an eye on him to figure out what they were; now we know. This birthday is only going to make him ten times stronger, so I suggest you keep your hands to yourself.”
Carl knelt near Elijah’s ear and whispered. They were going to have Elijah on their side, or he’d die.
Simple as that.